2nd Round of Public Consultation
Following receipt of the Scoping Opinion from the ECU, the next stage of the project involves the assessment of the possible impacts of the proposed route. This is known as an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
Proposed Route (opens in a new window)
2nd Rd Consutlation Leaflet (opens in a new window)
Virtual Consultation Room (opens in a new window)
Before we begin the EIA, SPEN would like to hear your views on the proposed route and are holding a second round of public consultation events at the following times and locations:
Monday 20th May 2024, 3pm to 7pm
Willie Waddell Community Centre, Main St Forth, Lanark ML11 8AA
Contact details - South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture (opens in a new window)
Thursday 23rd May 2024, 3pm to 7pm
Jim Foley Community Centre, John Street,
Wishaw, ML2 7TG
Jim Foley Community Centre - North Lanarkshire Council (opens in a new window)
Contact information can be found below at the bottom of this page.
Routeing Stage
The routeing stage is now, complete with the conclusion of the routeing consultation process and identification of the Proposed Route. It now progresses to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and subsequent application for consent.
During the routing consultation stage we sought views on the route selection process and the preferred route that has been identified.
A PDF copy of the Report on Consultation can be downloaded below. This report summarises the consultation process, the responses received and how these have been taken on board in finalising the route. The report also sets out the next steps in the development process for this project.
EIA Scoping Stage
SPEN will be submitting a request to the Scottish Government ECU for an EIA Scoping Opinion in accordance with Regulation 12 of The Electricity Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 (as amended). The Scoping Opinion request will be accompanied by an EIA Scoping Report setting out the potential significant effects proposed to be assessed in the EIA which will accompany the Section 37 application and the proposed methodology for doing so.
Public Consultation Documents
As part of the consultation, we consulted on the following:
- The preferred route for the connection;
- Any of the alternative route options considered during the routeing process; and
- Any other issues, suggestions or feedback you would like SPEN to consider.
Both a public consultation and a virtual, online consultation process was undertaken.
Contact Information
Email at: heathlandprojectmanager@spenergynetworks.co.uk
Heathland Wind Farm Connection Project
Land and Planning Team
SP Energy Networks
55 Fullarton Drive
G32 8FA
Our GDPR statement can be found here (opens in a new window).