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Investment in Scotland

SP Energy Networks is investing to improve the electricity network in Central and Southern Scotland.

Our investment in Scotland will secure supplies to homes and businesses and will help improve storm resilience. For more information about what we're doing, use the links in the pop-up menu at the top of this page, or from the list below. 

How will we engage with the local community regarding our work?

To ensure you are informed about our oncoming activity in advance, depending on the nature of the work taking place, SP Energy Networks will draw from a range of engagement options – the list below describes some of these differing approaches.

  • Deliver information / contact details to homes and business in the area
  • Host public exhibitions with detailed display boards
  • Send letters to customers directly impacted
  • Provide information to Ward Councillors / Community Councils / Community Groups
  • Display information in local public areas e.g. community halls, libraries, shops
  • Local press articles
  • Inform MPs / MSPs
  • Hold1:1 meetings / visit vulnerable parties
  • Social media and local radio
  • SP Energy Website – project specific webpage

On the larger projects, specific webpages will be created and updated throughout the lifetime of the project with relevant documents such as maps, presentations, details of future events and any important updates for the community.

What to expect during our work?

All our operatives make every effort to minimise any impact on the local community at the same time carrying out the work as quickly and safely as possible. SP Energy Networks are committed to keeping you and the local community fully informed regarding work on our infrastructure that might have an effect in some way.

During our works, we may need to interrupt your supply for safety reasons and we apologise in advance if this is the case, fully appreciating the inconvenience this may cause. Please be assured that every effort will be made to reduce any period of interruption to as short a time as possible.

If we do need to interrupt your electrical supply we will write to you giving the date and times we expect to switch the power off and on. We aim to give you at least 5 days’ notice allowing you to prepare for the interruption. In instances where emergencies occur we will make every effort keep local households and business informed.


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