Section 37 Application
An application is to be submitted to the Scottish Ministers under section 37 of the Electricity Act 1989 and for deemed planning permission under section 57(2) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 to remove two existing towers (and associated overhead line (OHL) connections) from the existing 400kV Scotland to England interconnector (ZV route) and replace with three new installed towers and associated overhead line connections between the towers to maintain a continuous connection.
The proposal includes the removal of two existing towers (and associated overhead line (OHL) conductors) from the existing 400kV Scotland to England interconnector (known as the ZV route) and replacement with three new installed towers and associated overhead line conductors between the towers to maintain a continuous connection.
The Proposed Development is located wholly within the administrative boundary of South Lanarkshire Council and covers a distance of approximately 1.1 km of the existing ZV route at Redshaw, circa 3.5 km south east of Douglas, South Lanarkshire. The section of the ZV route subject of the Proposed Development is located between the M74 and B7078, north east of the vacant Red Moss Hotel.
A Screening Opinion was received confirming EIA was not required, this can be viewed below or at the Scottish Government Energy Consents website at under application reference ECU ECU00005071
Screening - Decision Letter
Screening Letter
Screening Letter Figures
Screening Letter Figures