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Distributed Generation Contacts

Contact Numbers

Contact Numbers

At SP Energy Networks we are introducing a new Design and Development team for each of our licence areas. Our new Design and Development Team will co-ordinate all new connections design and quote activity including design of any associated network reinforcement requirements.

Our local District Delivery Teams will continue to deliver the projects, thus ensuring on site works can be planned and constructed utilising local relationships on site. Each of our six geographical districts across the SP Distribution licence area will continue to deliver all connection projects at 33kV voltage level and below

For more contact information, view the Connections Contact page.


NameAreaCapacityEmailPhone Number
Karl WatsonAll> 44 7540 316 029
James BankLanarkshire< 44 7749 391 174

Peter Mullen

Glasgow< 44 7834 962 459
Scott McPhillieAyrshire<
+ 44 7341 601 655
Brian RennieCentral & Fife< 44 7753 624 181
Colin FerryEdinburgh & Borders< 7753 624 184
Ashley MarshallDumfries< 7833 481 493


AreaCapacityEmailPhone Number
CheshireUp to 614 9949
WalesUp to 614 9951
MerseysideUp to 614 9947

Formal quotations are valid for a period of 3 calendar months from the date of issue.

How to Apply


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