The Embedded Capacity Register (formerly the System Wide Resource Register) has been developed to provide better information to electricity network stakeholders on connected resources and network services.
The register implements an industry agreed format which has been developed through the Energy Networks Association Open Networks project and has been adopted by all Distribution Network Operators (DNOs). It provides information on generation and storage resources (≥=50kW) that are connected, or accepted to connect, to SP Energy Network's distribution network and is updated monthly.
The register can be downloaded from our Open Data portal.
This resource register is SP Energy Network’s contribution to the Embedded Capacity Register (ECR) which has been developed through an Energy Networks Association Open Networks project. Whilst we use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the data contained within the register is accurate, we do not accept any responsibility or liability for, the accuracy or the completeness of the content or any loss which may arise from reliance on the register and related information.