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We are committed to providing you with excellent customer service, first time every time, here at SP Energy Networks. Our codes of practice outline this assurance.

However, we do understand that sometimes things do go wrong. We want to know when this happens, so that we can sort out any problems as quickly as we can.

Here is all the information you need to use our complaints procedure.  You can also download our complaints leaflet by clicking here (opens in a new window).  

How to Contact Us:

Central & Southern Scotland


0330 1010 444


Write to us:

Customer Contact Team
SP Energy Networks
320 St Vincent St
G2 5AD

Cheshire, Merseyside, N. Wales & N.Shropshire


0330 1010 444


Write to us:

Customer Contact Team
SP Energy Networks
3 Prenton Way
CH43 3ET

When writing to us, we request you provide us with an address and postcode, as well as a contact telephone number. All letters and emails will be acknowledged within one working day.

How our Complaints Procedure Works

Step 1 - Review by Customer Contact Team

However you contact us, we will aim to resolve your query within ten working days.

Step 2 - Review by your Local Manager

If you are not happy with the response to your initial query and contact us again, we will acknowledge receipt of your complaint and arrange for a manager responsible for the electricity network in your area to review your complaint. We will contact you within ten working days, or sooner if possible, and will do our best to resolve the problem at that stage.

Step 3 - Referral to a Senior Manager

If you are not happy with the way that the local manager has dealt with your complaint, you can ask for it to be looked at by a senior manager responsible for your region.  We will contact you within 5 working days, investigate your complaint and work with you to resolve the problem.

Step 4 - Final Review by Customer Service Director

If you are still not fully satisfied by the actions taken after discussing your complaint with a senior manager responsible for your region, you can request for your complaint to be formally reviewed by our Customer Service Director. We will send you a letter setting out our final position within ten working days.

Step 5 - Energy Ombudsman

Rest assured that we will do all we can to solve your problem by working with you. Where appropriate, we will provide an apology and an explanation of what went wrong, as well as take remedial action where this is needed. Compensation could also be paid, if deemed necessary.

However if you are still unhappy with our actions and have already followed steps one through to four, or we have been unable to resolve your complaint within eight weeks, you have the right to contact the Energy Ombudsman. This is a free and independent dispute resolution service. The Ombudsman will ask you for a full account of your dealings with us and they will also contact us to gain a factual understanding of the case from our perspective.

The Ombudsman will make a final decision once they have obtained all of this information and inform you of the outcome.

Contact details for the Energy Ombudsman are as follows:

Energy Supply Ombudsman
PO Box 966

Telephone: 0330 440 1624
Fax: 0330 440 1625
Website: (opens in a new window)


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