SP Energy Networks - Network Development Plan (NDP) 2024 survey Welcome to our consultation on our 2024 Network Development Plan. This publication aims to support stakeholders by providing transparency in network planning data. The purpose of NDP is to share information with stakeholders, so it's important that these documents meet our stakeholders' needs. We therefore look forward to hearing your views. Please make sure you reach the end of the survey and hit 'Submit'. You can skip over any questions by leaving them blank. Thank you for taking the time to share your views with us! * NamePlease enter a maximum of 100 charactersPlease avoid using any of the following special characters: =#^*()|\/|<>+=*~[]{} * What is your job role?Please enter a maximum of 100 charactersPlease avoid using any of the following special characters: =#^*()|\/|<>+=*~[]{} * Please tell us which organisation you work forPlease enter a maximum of 100 characters * Which of the following best represents your organisation? Academia Business and enterprise groups Charge Point Operators Charities Commercial Aggregators Community energy Community Groups Connected customers - Distribution Demand Connected Customers - Distribution Generation Connected Customers - Domestic Customers Connected Customers - Transmission Connections - Distribution Demand Connections - Distribution Generation Connections - Transmission Consultants Consumer Groups Digitalisation & Data Emergency Services Energy Industry Energy Suppliers Faith Groups Financial Services Heat Technologies & Networks Housing Local Government Media National Government Planning Regulator Renewables; the Environment & Sustainability Research; Development & Technology Groups Safety Education Supply Chain Think Tanks Trade Unions Utilities Vulnerable Customer Groups Other If 'Other' please specify:Please enter a maximum of 100 charactersPlease avoid using any of the following special characters: =#^*()|\/|<>+=*~[]{} If you would like to provide an email address (optional). We might follow up with you if anything needs clarification or if we would like to discuss your comments in a little more detail.Please enter a maximum of 100 charactersPlease enter a valid email address. The following questions relate to our Network Development Reports Parts 1 & 2 The Reports are available for SP Distribution and for SP Manweb. 1. How could/will our Network Scenario and Development report be used by your community/business? 2. Are there any ways we could improve the information contained within our Network Capacity Headroom and Development report? 3. Do you find the links to the Distribution Network Options Assessment (DNOA) Scheme pages useful? (1 = Not useful at all, 5 = Extremely Useful) 1 2 3 4 5 If not, are there any ways we could improve the information contained within these pages? The following questions relate to our Network Scenario Headroom data tables The data tables available for SP Distribution and SP Manweb. 4. How could/will our Network Scenario Headroom data tables be used by your community/business? 5. Do you find the information contained within our Network Scenario Headroom data tables useful? (1 = Not Useful at all, 5 = Extremely Useful) 1 2 3 4 5 If not, how could they be improved? 6. Do you find the presentation of headroom for the Low, Baseline, High scenarios helpful? (1 = Not Useful at all, 5 = Extremely Useful) 1 2 3 4 5 If not - how could they be improved? The following question relates to our Methodology Report 7. Do you support the steps/process we have followed to produce our Network Development Plan (NDP)? (1 = Not Supportive at all, 5 = Extremely Supportive) 1 2 3 4 5 If not, how could the steps/process be improved? The following are general questions around your feedback and use of our publications 8. Do you make use of any other data sources we publish? Long Term Development Statement Distribution Generation Heat Maps Embedded Capacity Register Distribution Future Energy Scenarios Flexibility Tenders Other If 'Other', please specify: 9. Are there any other parameters you would like to see included within our NDP? 10. Are there any other comments or feedback you would like to make? Please refer to our Privacy Policy to understand how your data is treated once submitted via this form.