Today the ESO has published it's Holistic Network Design (HND), setting out the strategic vision for the UK's electricity transmission network, outlining the huge challenge and opportunity, to deliver a network that is ready to facilitate 2030 decarbonisation ambitions.
The solutions proposed in the HND will see us looking to invest over £5bn in transmission projects in South and Central Scotland by 2030, categorised as "required" to deliver 2030 ambitions. These projects are a mixture of upgrading and strengthening existing network infrastructure, in addition to the design and development of new strategic transmission infrastructure. We will now work at pace on these projects to deliver the network that is required to meet ambitious Scottish and UK offshore wind 2030 targets.
Our CEO, Frank Mitchell, said: "The HND publication is a major milestone for the industry and provides a clear view of the strategic network infrastructure projects, both onshore and offshore, that will be needed to meet 2030 offshore wind ambitions.
"The network requirements that this HND represents must now be recognised as the 'network' blueprint for the required transmission network capacity to meet 2030 ambitions. This blueprint will enable early engagement with our stakeholders and supply chain on our major infrastructure projects.
"2030 is not far away. We therefore look forward to working immediately with Government and Ofgem to agree upon ways in which key changes can be made to the regulatory approvals and planning processes to ensure that delivery of this strategic transmission infrastructure can be accelerated in line with 2030 ambitions. We welcome the pragmatic approach of Government and Ofgem in being prepared to consider new and more flexible ways in which the delivery of strategic infrastructure can be delivered, and we look forward to engaging with them further on this in the coming weeks ahead.
"We also look forward to working with ScotWind developers ahead of the HND Refresh exercise later in the year, which the ESO is committed to have completed by Q1 2023.
"The ambition to 2030 is great. We stand ready to work with Government, Ofgem, the ESO and developers to ensure the vision in this HND can be realised, delivering jobs and economic development to Scotland and the rest of the UK. "