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This is how we become a Data Driven organisation


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This blog was shared in 2024 during the development of our RIIO-T3 Business Plan. The plan has now been published and is available to view online.

T3 Data Blog

SP Energy Networks. RIIO-T3 Business Plan Blog. This is how we become a data driven organisation. Kirsty Scott. Head of Network Intelligence and Performance.

I’m pleased to share the next in the series of blogs about our RIIO-T3 Business Plan. In this blog, I discuss how our Data Strategy will support the modernisation and decarbonisation of our energy system. If you’re looking for a short summary of this blog, scroll to the end or jump to the top 3 key points.


As a Transmission and Distribution network owner, we play a critical role in enabling the transition to a cleaner future – supporting the Scottish, Welsh and UK Government to reach their Net Zero targets.

Our RIIO-T3 Business Plan, published in December, will set out investment in our Transmission network during 2026 to 2031, outlining how we will increase security of energy supply, help protect consumers from the dangers of climate change, and generate investment that delivers growth and green jobs.

This blog is part of a series on our ‘Data, Digitalisation and Innovation’ workstream, and sets out how we can use data to support the delivery of our RIIO-T3 Plan, why mastery of good data is fundamental to our Digitalisation plans, and how we will deliver an integrated Data and Digital programme which supports the future needs of our business and our stakeholders.

Why is data important?

Data is essential to optimising the value of assets, driving innovation, better understanding risks and increasing system resilience. Data about our network and our plans is fundamental to the transition to Net Zero. Our data needs to be accurate, standardised, accessible, and able to support decision making and value creation for our business and our stakeholders.  

RIIO-T3 will see unprecedented change to the scale of our Transmission network. This is matched with a transformative era for energy system data. The scale and need for data is growing at an exponential rate, and in response, we have set out an ambitious strategy which continues our data journey, builds on our established foundations, and sets out our ambition to transform our processes, our skills, and our systems for RIIO-T3 and beyond.

Transforming Data Governance and Data Sharing

Kirsty Torrecilla - Data Governance and Open Data Manager

At the start of RIIO-T2, Ofgem introduced “Data Best Practice” - setting out their views on the quality, accuracy, and accessibility of data to ensure our data is treated as an asset and used for the benefit of consumers, stakeholders, and Public Interest.

Our Data Governance team, led by Kirsty Torrecilla, has been working with Ofgem and subject matter expects to develop our Data Governance framework, enabling us to deliver an industry leading strategy for Data Best Practice.

For RIIO-T3, Ofgem have set high expectations, and in response Kirsty has developed an ambitious plan to transform how we govern and share our data, outlining our plans to:

Deliver a data governance framework of policies and processes, using our Informatica software to catalogue and manage our Transmission data assets in conjunction with business subject matter experts. Deliver new, secure data sharing services for our stakeholders, enhancing our Open Data Portal and supporting the development of data sets and capabilities which support the needs of our stakeholders.

Look out for future updates on our Data Governance plans, including changes to our Open Data Portal in response to feedback from our customers and stakeholders.

Developing our Data Platform, and our Data Products

Robert Jones - Data Transformation Manager

During RIIO-2, working closely with our Business Transformation function, we have been developing a central repository for data and a framework for delivering Data Products. Data Products are data-based developments which can be a combination of a reporting suites and machine learning analytics which enable automation of business processes and creation of automated insights into our data.

We now have the capabilities and the knowledge to deliver value add Data Products through our Azure Platform, and our Data and Digital teams. Our Data Transformation team, led by Robert Jones, have been working with subject matter experts, and engaging with the industry, to identify opportunities for data products which support internal and external stakeholders. In RIIO-T3, this includes delivering solutions for enhanced asset condition analysis, modernising regulatory reporting, improving asset management, and developing climate resilience insights.

Also, Ofgem recently published findings of their Digital Spine feasibility study, setting out plans for a centralised Data Sharing infrastructure. Our RIIO-T3 plan sets out how we will deliver this, working closely with the National Energy System Operator (NESO) and Ofgem to improve the ability to exchange data within our industry, ensuring trusted data flows to Ofgem, the NESO, and other actors in the energy system.

Stakeholder Engagement

To ensure that our plan supports the needs and ambitions of our stakeholders, our Data and Intelligence teams have been engaging internally to understand business challenges, needs and opportunities, and have sought views of external stakeholders through surveys, events, and working groups. Our Independent Net Zero Advisory Council (INZAC) have been essential in supporting the evolution of our plans, challenging us to go further, and ensuring we listen to and learn from stakeholders, peers, and industry expertise. Their guidance has ensured our plans reflect best practice, and they have pushed us to be ambitious. We have also tested our plans with other Network Operators, Ofgem and the NESO to ensure we support the Data transformation of our Industry.

We would welcome input on our plan via our Digitalisation Strategy feedback form, or you can reach out to Kirsty and Robert (by emailing riio-t3pmo@spenergynetworks.co.uk) to learn more about our plans or to provide your input. You can also Register as a Stakeholder to be kept up to date with wider engagement opportunities (tick ‘Data and Digitalisation’).

The top 3 takeaways from this blog are:

  1. Our RIIO-T3 business plan, to be published in December 2024, sets out our most ambitious programme to become a data driven organisation.
  2. Data is a core pillar of our recently published transmission specific Digitalisation Strategy , ensuring that our Data and Digitalisation strategies are aligned and meet the growing needs of our business.
  3. Our Open Data Portal is available for all to use, and we have exciting developments planned which will support our customers and stakeholders in the Net Zero transition.

Stay up to date via our dedicated RIIO-T3 page - updated regularly with our blogs, progress and opportunities for engagement. If you have any enquiries, please email us on riio-t3pmo@spenergynetworks.co.uk.

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