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Harvest Safety


Power safety advice reminder for agricultural workers completing the harvest.

With the harvest underway across the UK, SP Energy Networks is urging farm workers and agricultural communities to stay safe around the electricity network.

Twenty-five farms across our network areas have been involved in highly dangerous electricity incidents this year so far, with agricultural machinery hitting overhead powerlines. To keep yourself and others safe whilst completing the harvest, we’re sharing the below tips:

Guy Jefferson, Customer Service Director at SP Energy Networks, said: “We know that harvest time is perhaps the most important time of the year for many of those who make their living through agriculture. As farmers the length and breadth of the country work long hours to gather this year’s harvest, we want to ensure they do so safely.  

"The key thing to remember is to look out and look up. The safety of our customers, including farmers and agricultural workers, is of the very highest importance to us, and we’re pleased to be able to continue to work with agricultural communities to help raise awareness of the dangers surrounding electricity in the farming industry."

SP Energy Networks owns and manages overhead and underground powerlines in Southern and Central Scotland, Merseyside, Cheshire, North Wales and North Shropshire.

If you are in any doubt about the dangers of electricity please contact us.