SP Transmissions ongoing investment and modernisation of the network across central and southern Scotland has recently successfully completed the major refurbishment of a key overhead transmission line in South Ayrshire.
XZ overhead line route runs at 275 kV between Ayr Grid Substations and Chipperlaigan Sealing end compound nearby Coylton Substation. The line was originally constructed in the 1960’s and the refurbishment ensures it will continue to play an important part in the network transporting clean energy around the country and beyond.

With around 30 towers involved, the significant programme of work included tower inspections and any identified maintenance taking place in addition to the conductors and insulators being renewed.
Delivering the project presented the project team with a number of challenges with the line crossing important infrastructure and other obstacles as it travels along the route.
One of SP Energy Networks priorities is protecting the environment and an Environmental Management Plan was in place throughout the duration of the work to ensure minimal impact at all site locations. The line is situated in a rural setting and involved significant work by SP Energy Networks Land Officers agreeing access arrangements with land owners along the route.
SPENs refurbishment and modernisation projects ensure the transmission network is playing a central role supporting the countries move to clean energy and achieving zero carbon targets.
Contact Information
Should you require any further information please make contact via the following phone number or email address:
Community Liaison phone number – 07516461129
Community Liaison email – majorprojects@spenergynetworks.com
Press Enquiries – 0141 614 4535