As the owner and operator of critical national infrastructure our top priority during the COVID-19 crisis is to ensure the ongoing safe and secure supply of electricity is maintained at all times to communities and business across central and southern Scotland.

To perform this key service, it is vital that the transmission network continues to be maintained and refurbishment programmes on our infrastructure allows the transportation of electricity around the country to take place more efficiently.
XD (Kincardine Section), XK, XM and XN 275 kV overhead line routes form part of the north – south link (on the eastern side of Scotland) and are located between Currie, Grangemouth and Kincardine substations.
The lines which were constructed in the 1960’s will undergo a minor refurbishment involving the close inspection of the towers and the replacement of all insulators along with addressing other defects identified. Over 150 towers will be included in the work at an investment cost of over £9 million.

At certain locations these overhead line routes are situated close by local communities and transport infrastructure and households and business will be advised as the project progresses with much of the activity taking place at height. SPEN Land Officers are coordinating access arrangements with the land owners along the route.
There will be no disruption to local electricity supplies.
The project is due to be completed in the second quarter of 2021.
SPENs refurbishment and modernisation projects ensure the transmission network plays its important role in the countries move to using sustainable clean energy and a carbon free society.
Contact Information
Should you require any further information please make contact via the following phone number or email address:
Community Liaison phone number – 07516461129
Community Liaison email –