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Wylfa Newydd, Anglesey

SP Energy Networks is working with Horizon Nuclear Power as part of the Wylfa Newydd project on Anglesey. Horizon plans to deliver two Advanced Boiling Water Reactors (ABWR), generating a minimum of 2,700MW, at Wylfa Newydd. 

In support of this project, we are installing 6km of underground cable to divert the existing circuits that form part of Anglesey’s electrical infrastructure. We are also undertaking diversions on network.

We have been working closely with both Horizon and the Isle of Anglesey County Council to minimise disruption to local residents and visitors to the area.

Whilst we do not intend to interrupt any electricity supplies to our customers in the area for the high voltage work there may be localised outages for work low voltage networks. The customers affected will be fully notified nearer the time of the local outage, should it be required.

There are two key stages to the works:

Firstly, we will excavate a trench, install ducting and reinstate the route.

The second stage involves excavating joint bays approximately every 600m, then to install the 132,000 volt cable between each of the eight joint bays and undertake the jointing to connect the sections of cable together along the route.

More information on the Wylfa Newydd project can be found on Horizon Nuclear Power’s website (opens in a new window).

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