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During October/November we will be investing to improve the electricity network in Willaston. Our surveying teams will be in the area over the next few weeks to establish exactly what work will be necessary.

We are undertaking this work as the existing poles and overhead cables that supply electricity to the community are approaching the end of their operational life.

The work will:

  • Reduce the number of power cuts
  • Improve storm resilience and;
  • Maintain current high safety levels

What you can expect from us

We will keep you informed and involved when our work will affect you. We will:

  • Explain the scope of our work and expected timescales
  • Host community meetings, where required, to outline and discuss scope, timing & specific welfare issues
  • Issue letters before any supply interruption – at least 5 days in advance
  • Hold doorstep discussions during site works & on completion
  • Ensure you know how to contact us


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