SP Energy Networks (SPEN) Visual Impact of Existing Wirescape (VIEW) Project represents an opportunity to contribute to the success of Scotland’s National Parks and National Scenic Areas by accessing a share of a £500 million OFGEM fund, for the positive enhancement of existing transmission infrastructure in our most protected locations.
This fund is intended to positively influence the visual impact of transmission infrastructure, including overhead lines and substations, which currently exist within the UK’s most highly valued landscapes.
VIEW will identify potential mitigation proposals for overhead electricity transmission lines, or associated transmission infrastructure which is in the ownership of SPEN and within reasonable proximity to Scotland’s highly valued and most sensitive landscapes - National Parks and National Scenic Areas (NSAs).
In identifying and addressing the sections of infrastructure that have the most adverse impact on the landscape, visual amenity, and special qualities of these designated landscapes, SPEN will seek to work collaboratively with a range of stakeholders to adopt a partnership approach to deliver the best possible outcome for these areas of special quality.
Electricity is an essential part of our everyday lives. We all expect to have access to its benefits at the flick of a switch and we take its presence in our homes and workplaces for granted. SPEN is responsible for ensuring that electricity supplies are provided at the point of usage and this is achieved through a series of Transmission and Distribution networks.
High voltage, high capacity overhead lines are the most economic and reliable choice for the bulk transmission of electricity throughout the UK. The routeing of transmission lines is a complex process, requiring a balance to be struck between statutory obligations, need, engineering requirements, economic viability, land use and the environment.
In developing proposals for new transmission lines, SPEN will take into account all of these matters to develop the most appropriate transmission solution together with the most appropriate range of mitigation possible.
VIEW provides a unique opportunity to re-examine historic infrastructure in the areas which are of highest value. In most cases this infrastructure pre-dates the current designations which cover the land surrounding it, and in most cases that landscape has changed, and people have become accustomed to the presence of such features over time.
The VIEW Policy Document provides clear information and lays out the vision that those involved in the project hope to achieve. Close consultation with OFGEM continues with regards to the policy and approach of this unique project.
The Project continues to make progress with those involved having now selected the options that VIEW members would like to take forward. The following link and documents allow easy access to the VIEW Project Proposals.