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Transmission Connections

Within the GB energy landscape, we are seeing the evolution of our network towards a greener, more resilient and sustainable future.

As we make our network smarter, more resilient and better equipped to handle the challenges of the everchanging energy market, we want to support our customers to navigate through these changes in our industry. Whether it is keeping you up to date with NESO’s Connections Reform, changes within our network or connections processes you can find a whole host of information on our website.

Connections Reform

SPT continues to fully support the development of Connections Reform, otherwise known as TM04+, and wants to support our customers in receiving the latest information on the changes coming to industry.

As of the 15th of January 2025, NESO published its open letter to industry providing information on a pause starting the 29th of January 2025 (with an exception of new directly connected demand applications, all such applications must be made before the 21st of March). We would encourage all our customers to read this.

Details of the open letter can be found here.

We would also encourage our customers to keep up to date with all Connection Reform updates using the NESO’s website, details of which can be found here.

Customer Connections Portal

Our portal is an easy to use platform, whether you need a connection to our distribution or transmission network. For more information click the link below.

Pre-Application Customer Engagement (PACE)

Please note that as of 29th January 2025, we are not taking any new PACE requests (with an exception of new directly connected demand applications) due to NESO’s application pause.

We at SPT, understand the importance of these discussions and will continue to work with NESO and monitor any developments closely to provide you an update on when these may return.

Meanwhile, we recommend checking the NESO’s website (Transition to Connections Reform | National Energy System Operator) regularly to keep informed about the pause and other changes in relation to Connections Reform.

Roles Within Transmission Connections

SP Transmission (SPT)

SP Transmission is a Transmission Owner (TO). Whilst we retain ownership of our transmission assets, such as substations and transmission towers, we have a licence obligation to maintain, design, develop and deliver new or modified connections to our network.

National Energy System Operator (NESO)

National Energy System Operator (NESO) are the designated System Operator (SO) in England, Scotland and Wales. As the SO, NESO is responsible for ensuring the stable and secure operation of the whole transmission system. The SO is also responsible for balancing the electricity demand across the whole of Great Britain with electricity supplied by generating stations on a minute-by-minute basis. As the SO, NESO provides transmission services to generators, electricity suppliers and large customers and will deal with all aspects of the contracts for the connection to and use of the electricity transmission system.

SPT Interactive Investment Maps

If you would like information on our current projects across the SP Transmission Network please click on the following link to our Interactive Investment Map. If you have any enquiries about any of the investment projects shown, please contact

Transmission Heat Map

Are you interested in a transmission connection? Using our transmission heatmap you will be able to see if your project falls within our boundaries as well as the connected and contracted projects in relation to the closest grid supply point (GSP).

Before we can connect you, we need to have an understanding of the current constraints on the network and what infrastructure and/or upgrades may be needed to the grid to support this new connection.

Since 2024, we have seen an unprecedented volume of applications, meaning an increase in the number of customers looking to speak with us directly about specific GSPs, estimated costs, timescales, and solutions to reach connection. To aid your knowledge prior to submitting your application, we have created our heat map to give you a high-level view of our network with data taken directly from the NESO’s Transmission Entry Capacity (TEC) register monthly.

Transmission Heat Maps Terms - SP Energy Networks

Transmission Connections Guidance Leaflet

The aim of this leaflet is to provide a plain English overview of the Transmission connections process. If you have feedback or questions on this leaflet please send an email to

Charging Statement

SPT is obliged, under Special Condition (SC) 9.12 of its electricity Transmission Licence, to prepare a statement approved by the Authority setting out the basis upon which charges will be made for the provision of transmission services in such form and detail as shall be necessary to enable NGESO to make a reasonable estimate of charges to which it would become liable for the provision of SPT’s services. These services include the planning, development, construction, maintenance and operation of new and modified connections to the licensee’s transmission system.

The Application Process

To read the application process explained, including connection offers and processes, please select the link below:

To read about connection registers, reports, policy updates, and industry guidance documents for understanding the connection process further, please select the link below:


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