The proposed extension covers an area of approximately 90m x 40m, primarily to the south west of SPEN’s existing substation site.
The proposed extension site is bounded to the north by the existing hydropower station and substation and local road, to the east by residential housing and a local road, to the south by undeveloped green field land, and to the west by the penstock of the Glenlee Power Station and undeveloped green field land.
The work will include a new 3m steel palisade security fence around the perimeter, new electrical switchgear and plant to connect the proposed new KTR overhead lines, and drainage works to divert the existing watercourse that crosses the field into a culvert underneath the substation.
We will also need to carry out some temporary works:
- A temporary construction compound for initial enabling works (including road improvements and formation of the main construction works compound), on the site of the overflow car park, north-east of the substation on the opposite side of the public road (U2S)
- A second temporary compound for main construction works, west of the existing substation and behind the power station (an area used for previous construction works)
- A temporary vehicle holding area up-slope from the proposed substation extension
- Temporary Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDs) to prevent the pollution of watercourses during construction
All temporary works areas (compounds, vehicle holding area and soil storage) will be reinstated to their former condition following the work.

During public consultation on the proposals in March and April 2018, we were asked to investigate whether we could build the substation extension further away from local properties. Since then we have carried out a detailed appraisal of possible alternatives, which has concluded that our original proposal remains the most economic, efficient and sustainable solution.