Our Strategic Optimisation team supports Local Authorities and Local, Regional and National Government bodies to develop their energy plans and aims to build and maintain strategic alliances to efficiently achieve Net Zero collaborations with our stakeholders.
We plan to be the strategic interface between local and regional government bodies and to support and facilitate the development of local, regional and national energy plans that are aligned with our future network development plans.

Our Strategic Optimisation Team
Strategic Relationships
Supporting the development of Local, Regional and National Energy Plans
Low Carbon Technology Optioneering
Informing our Distribution Future Energy Scenarios and Future Network Planning
We can help Local Authorities and Local, Regional and National Government bodies by:
- Identifying and developing strategic relationships
- Supporting the development of strategies, scenarios, and decarbonisation programmes
- Providing guidance, support, and optioneering to develop co-ordinated energy plans
- Analysing network project viability by determining future decarbonisation scenarios
- Recognising whole system opportunities and feeding into appropriate plans and registers
- Undertaking financial modelling and cost benefit analysis for decarbonisation initiatives
We have an important role to play in supporting local authorities by ensuring the electricity network can handle the forecast growth in capacity and grid connections as well as reducing peak energy demand via ‘smart’ or flexible electricity systems. We can provide technical support via transparent data, providing optioneering services for strategic optimisation of our network and assist in the development of local plans for each of the local authorities we serve.
An overview of the Local Authorities within our licence areas is shown below.
We support 22 Local Authorities across Central and Southern Scotland
Scottish Government Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (LHEES) are at the heart of a place based, locally-led and tailored approach to the heat transition.
In our SP Distribution area, we worked with our 22 Scottish local authorities to develop their Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES).
We support 8 Local Authorities across North and Mid Wales
Welsh Government have committed to a policy that includes a major programme of Local Area Energy Planning (LAEP) roll-out, so that every Local Authority in Wales will have a plan, funded nationally but led and developed at the local level.
We have supported the development of the 8 LAEPs in SP Manweb licence area.
We support 10 Local Authorities across the North West of England
We will be supporting the development of Local Area Energy Plans (LAEPs) for 10 Local Authorities in Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, Cheshire & Warrington and Shropshire.
We have now commenced the rollout of LAEP process to 10 local authorities in England.
Strategic Relationships
Developing strategic relationships helps SP Energy Networks to work closely together with both our local and regional stakeholders to progress collaborative projects to facilitate decarbonisation across Scotland, North West of England and North & Mid Wales.
We work with the following organisations across Central and Southern Scotland:
- City of Edinburgh Strategic Climate Board
- Glasgow City Region
- Ayrshire Growth Deal
- Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal
- South of Scotland Enterprise
- South East Scotland Transport (SESTran)
- North East Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage Scotland (NECCUS Scotland)
We work with the following organisations in North and Mid Wales:
- Welsh Government Energy Networks in Wales
- Welsh Government Energy Service
- Ynni Cymru
- Ambition North Wales
- Growing Mid Wales Partnership
- North East Wales Industrial Decarbonisation (NEWID)
- Deeside Decarbonisation Forum
We work with the following organisations in North West England:
- Liverpool City Region Combined Authority
- Enterprise Cheshire & Warrington
- Marches Forward Partnership
- North West Net Zero Hub
- Transport for North
- Net Zero North West Industrial Hub
- Realising Net Zero Liverpool
Further information on the services we provide can be found below:
For further detail or engagement, please contact : strategicoptimisation@spenergynetworks.co.uk