‘I believe our customers are the most important aspect of our business, after all, they’re the reason we are here.
A message from
Frank Mitchell
CEO, SP Energy Networks
Customers are a strong temperature check on our efficiency and ultimately pay our wages. That’s why I’ve made certain our business has our customers at its heart. Alongside stakeholders and experts, customers shape our strategy and actions, which are then benchmarked against the best in class and tested through external accreditation and assessment. I have made sure our business places itself at the centre of the communities we serve and supports all customers in particular those who are vulnerable. Because keeping the lights on, is just part of what we do.’
Our vision - “SP Energy Networks is recognised by our customers for the support we provide in the communities we serve, treating everyone as an individual with respect and care”
Customer Vulnerability Strategy is formed by 6 pillars
Driven by our customers and stakeholder through customer feedback, strategic stakeholder panels, working groups and research.
Whole business approach embedded in our contracts and processes.
Trained staff and accreditation.
Minimising the cost to deliver the services we provide.
Understanding what customers feel is an appropriate level of spend for the support we provide.
Understanding our customer base & continuously improving our data.
Partnerships with trusted organisations who help us to deliver the support our customers say they need.
Partnerships with funded or low cost services to allow us to deliver free services to our customers.
Externally assured and evaluated.
Continual assessment of our offering and feedback to understand any limitations and address them.