We understand just how critical electricity is to the lives and work of all the customers we’re here to serve. That’s why it’s important we look to the future – anticipating future needs and making sure we play our role in enabling a better future, quicker for everyone.
We have recently published our next Transmission Business Plan (RIIO-T3) -a £10.6bn plan to help rewire Britain and deliver the critical electricity infrastructure needed for decades to come. Find our more on our RIIO-T3 web page.

Our plans for the Transmission and Distribution networks we own need to take account of a number of complex current and future demands. Given how quickly the energy sector is changing, technological advancements and political uncertainties, we also need to make sure that we’re adaptable to change, in case the future energy system turns out differently to what we’ve planned.
Like all network operators in Great Britain, the cost associated with our activities and the services we provide is shared across all electricity bill payers as a percentage of their energy bills. This cost sharing methodology is UK wide and stays the same no matter the energy supplier or network area an individual or business belongs. As electricity bill payers, it’s important we all feel able to have our say when it comes to planning for the future.
The electricity sector is currently operating in 'RIIO-2' delivery period which runs from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2026 (RIIO-T2) for Transmission network operators and from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2028 (RIIO-ED2) for Distribution network operators. RIIO-3 will run from 1 April 2026 for Transmission Operators and from 1 April 2028 for Distribution Operators.
RIIO stands for 'Revenue = Incentives + Innovation + Outputs'
It's framework used by the industry regulator to make sure individual network companies, like SP Energy Networks, provide a safe and reliable service, value for money, maximise performance, operate efficiently, innovate and ensure the resilience of their networks for current and future customers. Find out more about RIIO.
Find out more about our Business Plans