SP Energy Networks is a regulated business. We must meet certain criteria in order to meet our licence conditions. You can find further details in our regulation and guidance leaflets below:
In 2010, the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (OFGEM) developed new Connections Standard Licence Conditions (SLC) and Guaranteed Standards of Performance (GSoP) pertaining to metered and unmetered electricity connections services provided by DNOs. The purpose of the standards is to ensure that customers are guaranteed a good level of service and are compensated when they do not. The GSoP that have been developed are backed by SLC15A.
In 2012 Ofgem introduced the new Broader Customer Service Measures to ensure that all network companies deliver a good customer service.
Guaranteed Standards for Connections: Notice of Rights
Guaranteed Standards were introduced by our regulator, Ofgem, to ensure that all customers sourcing connections are provided with a good level of service.
Should we not meet the Guaranteed Standards set by Ofgem, we will pay compensation the customer concerned.
View more information regarding the Guaranteed Standards that apply to your project (opens in a new window).
Quotation Accuracy Scheme
This scheme allows you to assess whether the quotation you have received is accurate in terms of consistency with our published Statement of Methodology and Charges.
Once you have received your quotation, you can compare the cost with those within our Statement of Methodology and Charges. This scheme only applies to customers requiring small scale connections or modifications (1-4 domestic premises at low voltage or a single premise requiring one, two or three phase connections).
If our quotation falls outside the range of costs in our Statement of Methodology and Charges without a reasonable explanation, you may be entitled to a compensation payment.
Further information and guidance is provided below:
Terms & Conditions
Our terms and condition documents are available in PDF format below.