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Project Documents


SPEN submitted a request for a Scoping Opinion to South Lanarkshire Council in accordance with Regulation 17 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 (as amended).

Scoping is an early step in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process, the objective of which is to ensure the assessment process focuses on the likely significant effects associated with a project. Scoping also provides an opportunity for consultees to comment on the proposed methodologies for the EIA, identify sources of baseline information and raise any specific issues requiring assessment.

Document referred to during the first round:

The project leaflet outlining the project and details of our first round of consultation.

Document referred to during the first round which is a document that outlines the methodology and findings of the siting study which has been undertaken to inform consultation, as well as the details of the public consultation process.

A supplementary document that details the methodology and findings relating to the identification of Substation Siting Area 4 (SS4):

A downloadable versions of our Redshaw Substation Project consultation feedback form:

Copies of newspaper notices placed to advertise our first round of consultation:

Redshaw Public Consultation Feedback

Following the first round of public consultation, SPEN have produced a Consultation Feedback Report.

This report summarises the pre-application consultation carried out by SP Energy Networks (SPEN) for a proposed new
400kV/132kV substation adjacent to the existing 400kV overhead electricity transmission line and the B7078 road at Red Moss in South Lanarkshire.

It accompanies the planning application and associated documents submitted to South Lanarkshire Council.
SPEN carried out pre-application consultation with local residents and stakeholders from Monday 05 June 2023 to Friday 30 June 2023.


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