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Panel Summaries

Scotland Distribution Panel

Workshop 13 - 6th February 2018 - Glasgow

Workshop 13 - 6th February 2018 - Glasgow

During this meeting we discussed:

  • Electric Vehicles and the rapidly developing social, market and infrastructure implications relating to them, along with our current strategy and position on this subject.
  • We were joined by external speakers from Scottish Government, Citizens Advice and Bright Green Hydrogen who all gave their position on the uptake of electric vehicles.

Meeting 12 - 21 September 2017 - Edinburgh

Meeting 12 - 21 September 2017 - Edinburgh

During this meeting we discussed:

  • Regulation for stakeholder benefit - Ofgem are currently consulting on the criteria that DNO and TO business plans will need to meet for the next 8 year period (RIIO-2). Points of discussion included:
  • What would give you and other consumers a stronger voice in setting our business outputs and in shaping and assessing our business plans?
  • What types of information would you need to see to feel that our expenditure is fully justified, and represents good value for consumers, whilst taking account of prevailing risk and market conditions?
  • How can we ensure that changes in the way that the electricity network is used (eg DNO to DSO transition) continue to drive consumer value?
  • If you were to engage with the business planning process, what would be the most convenient and easy way to engage?
  • Alignment for successful regeneration and innovation -  As the low carbon revolution continues at pace, we know that now more than ever before, we need to work with local authorities and developers to ensure that they can realise their regeneration and innovation ambitions. One way in which we can do this is to proactively align our investment plans with theirs. Points of discussion included:

  • How can we develop and align our innovation priorities to deliver more of what you and those you represent need and want?
  • Are there lessons we can learn from regeneration or innovation activities that your businesses have carried out?
  • Are there hard to reach stakeholders or organisations that we should be aligning with?

Meeting 11 - 1 June 2017 - Glasgow

Meeting 11 - 1 June 2017 - Glasgow

During this meeting we discussed:

  • The Draft Scottish Energy Strategy – working together to meet the heat and transport electrification targets set out in the strategy and identifying any new partnerships that we need to develop.
  • Sustainability – there will be a brief update on the company's Sustainability Strategy.

Meeting 10 - 9 February 2017 - Edinburgh

Meeting 10 - 9 February 2017 - Edinburgh

During this meeting we discussed:

  • Consumer Vulnerability – discussion with panel members to guide our approach to  consumer vulnerability, including new ways of using data mapping to identify and support vulnerable customers.
  • Customer Awareness – discussion to identify additional stakeholder and customer groups to target, new and eye-catching methods and partnerships to increase the reach of our customer awareness programme.
  • Business resilience in the new energy mix – discussion with panel members to shape how we help identify and work with businesses most at risk and encourage them to improve resilience, to discuss panel members' views on a balanced energy portfolio to minimise risk, to investigate how we can influence policy making, and to guide our approach to supporting and reconnecting customers and reenergising the network during a rare extended power outage.

Meeting 9 - 11 October 2016 - Glasgow

Meeting 9 - 11 October 2016 - Glasgow

During this meeting we discussed:

Transition from Distribution Network Operator (DNO) to Distribution System Operator (DSO) In-depth workshop with panel members to help participants understand the potential new DSO role, to discuss potential impacts (positive and negative) on stakeholders, the company and the industry more widely, to identify anything that may be done to address any concerns or maximise any opportunities and to enable participants to make a more informed response to the SP Energy Networks DSO consultation process.

Meeting 8 - 16 June 2016 - Edinburgh

Meeting 8 - 16 June 2016 - Edinburgh

During this meeting we discussed:

  • Business updates – including engagement on connection issues, meeting with Ofgem, District Stakeholder Panels, involvement of young farmers, SPEN’s new mobile exhibition unit and the implications of SPEN becoming a DSO. 
  • Scottish government update – new appointments post-election, the energy strategy, Scottish Affairs Select Committee and changes to Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs).
  • Other updates included information about the Persons at Risk Database (PARD), new National Energy Centre, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Lloyds Register and the new CARE innovation and infrastructure fund.
  • Outcomes from Panel meetings over the last year including some additional discussion about social issues work being undertaken by SPEN.
  • ED1 Delivery and useful topics to discuss at future meetings
  • Annual reporting – SPEN’s annual reporting format was discussed to enable Panel members to make suggestions about content, format and style that they felt would make the annual report as useful as possible to stakeholders.
  • Promoting equal access to employment and education – including SPEN current policies and practice and suggestions from panel members in relation to part time and flexible working, focusing on ‘second careers’, modern apprenticeships and publicising new approaches and opportunities.

Meeting 7 - 23 February 2016 - Cumbernauld

Meeting 7 - 23 February 2016 - Cumbernauld

During this meeting, we discussed:

  • SP Energy Networks training programme – this involved a tour of facilities at Dealain House and a chance to meet trainers and apprentices. 
  • Business updates – including severe weather response/resilience, Green Energy Awards, SPEN’s customer awareness campaign, connections engagement and innovation.
  • Sustainability - a broad deliberative discussion on what a sustainable power distribution company of the future looks like and how SP Energy Networks can begin to take incremental steps to achieve this goal.
  • Jobs and skills – highlighting that having the right people with the right skills in the right places is essential for efficient and effective delivery, how SP Energy Networks are working to achieve this and how further collaboration can enhance these efforts.

Meeting 6 - 2 October 2015 - Edinburgh

Meeting 6 - 2 October 2015 - Edinburgh

During this meeting, we discussed:

  • Business updates – including progress on ED1, uncertainties in the renewables sector, the Trusted Partner Network, Incentive on Connections Engagement, winter preparedness, bedding in of SP Energy Networks new district structure and development of the new Headquarters office in Glasgow.
  • Scottish Government update – this related mainly to issues in the renewables sector.
  • Environmental Discretionary Reward (EDR) – Jane McMillan, Head of Sustainability for SP Energy Networks, introduced herself as a new member of staff and welcomed the opportunity to seek dialogue with the Panel.  Discussion focussed on improving partnership and collaboration in relation to innovation and had two main strands, one relating to the delivery function and the other about how businesses are managed.
  • Smart meters – Jim Sutherland outlined the main facts about smart meters and explained that a UK cost analysis had concluded on balance that it would be worth installing smart meters but that this was not the case in every EU country. Roll out of smart meters was discussed and there was a particular emphasis on data management – its pitfalls and potential.

Meeting 5 - 28 May 2015 - Glasgow

Meeting 5 - 28 May 2015 - Glasgow

During this meeting, we discussed:

  • Business updates – including the current situation with onshore wind, fuel poverty, local decision making, employment and economic development opportunities, security of supply and the end of the 2010-15 DPCR5 investment period
  • Scottish Government update – focus on implications of the UK General Election outcome
  • Connecting Community Renewables – exploration of the issues facing community renewables, the definition of community energy and current context, supply and demand issues, smart grid development and grid access
  • Metal theft – an outline of the problem, its impact, and the steps that we are taking to reduce the incidence. Panel members contributed additional ideas to help develop further measures to combat metal theft
  • Panel review – a discussion based on the outcome of the panel review that was undertaken after the initial few meetings of the Stakeholder Panels in both Scotland and England & Wales

Meeting 4 - 26 February 2015 - Glasgow

Meeting 4 - 26 February 2015 - Glasgow

During this meeting, we discussed:

  • Business updates – including the new business plan and structure, winter resilience performance, social issues and communications
  • Scottish Government update – with discussion focussing on consultation events planned in relation to the publication of ‘Scotland in the United Kingdom: An enduring settlement’
  • Future networks – with a focus on innovation, including funding future thinking and investment and conflicting pressures
  • Connecting community renewables – a brief discussion in advance of this topic featuring in the next meeting

Meeting 3 - 3 December 2014 - Glasgow

Meeting 3 - 3 December 2014 - Glasgow

During this meeting, we discussed:

  • Business updates – discussion of our 2015-2023 RIIO-ED1 business plan, including plans to operationalise a new business model, update on pre-winter severe weather preparations, details of a customer awareness campaign and an update on SP Energy Networks’ transmission business.
  • Black start and rota disconnection – presentation about black-start planning and general issues relating to security of supply
  • Social issues update – covering the activities of the working group about black-start planning and general issues relating to security of supply
  • Scottish constitution update – presentation by Scottish Government representative followed by discussion focusing on the Smith Commission
  • Integrated energy investment planning – presentations by SP Energy Networks and Glasgow City Council on integrated planning to facilitate sustainable, smart, resilient cities with data sharing and involvement of communities as key factors

Meeting 2 - 25 September 2014 - Glasgow

Meeting 2 - 25 September 2014 - Glasgow

During this meeting, we discussed:

  • Business updates – including the implications of the outcome of the independence referendum, the RIIO-ED1 Ofgem process and SP Energy Networks’ business plan, the fact that energy is currently a highly politicised sector
  • Panel members’ expectations – understanding the needs of panel members to deliver an optimal programme of meetings
  • Social obligations – an explanation of the Social Obligations Working Group, informing the development and delivery of our 2015-2023 RIIO-ED1 business plan; mapping data in relation to vulnerability, measuring effectiveness and working through partners
  • Communications – discussion of paper circulated including traditional advertising and leaflets as well as social media for communicating with the public as well as issues and ideas about communicating with suppliers and potential suppliers
  • Winter preparation and resilience – focussing on communication during an incident, resilience and engaging citizens
  • Economic scoping and opportunities – a paper was circulated and the following discussion focussed on jobs and training, supply chain, innovation, connections, community energy generation and the involvement of small to medium enterprises.

Meeting 1 - 18th June 2014 - Glasgow

Meeting 1 - 18th June 2014 - Glasgow

During this meeting, we discussed:

  • SP Energy Networks’ operations – an explanation for stakeholders of SP Energy Networks’ distribution and transmission businesses and our position within the Scottish Power Group
  • Update on current business – including our focus on efficiency savings, efforts to reduce power cuts and long term interest in areas such as smart grids and electric vehicles
  • Severe weather response – a focus on resilience and work plans before, during and after severe weather events
  • Connecting to the network – a briefing and following discussion about connections for community renewables projects
  • Social issues - an update on work done to date and an opportunity for dialogue about working in partnership with existing social networks
  • Terms of reference & issues for discussion by the Stakeholder Panel – to agree plans for how the Panels will function and to prioritise the issues it will focus on.  Resilience issues, social obligations, communications and identifying economic development opportunities were highlighted as issues to take forward for the next two meetings

Workshop - 16th January 2014

Workshop - 16th January 2014

During this meeting, we discussed:

  • An introduction to SP Energy Networks and its business obligations
  • The company’s current approach to stakeholder engagement and aspirations for developing engagement channels in the future
  • Social obligations – SP Energy Networks’ goals, challenges and the setting up of a dedicated social obligations stakeholder working group
  • The connections business – how it works, its achievements to date and the setting up of a dedicated connections stakeholder working group

England and Wales Distribution Panel

Workshop 12 - 13th February 2018 - Chester

Workshop 12 - 13th February 2018 - Chester

During this meeting we discussed:

  • Electric Vehicles and the rapidly developing social, market and infrastructure implications relating to them, along with our current strategy, position and an environmental context on this subject.
  • We were joined by external speakers from the Welsh Government, Quest Services, Wrexham County Borough Council, Liverpool City Council who gave a government and local authority perspective on the subject. EA Technology discussed stimulating sustainable electric vehicle rollout.

Meeting 11 - 7 September 2017 - Cheshire

Meeting 11 - 7 September 2017 - Cheshire

During this meeting we discussed: 

  • Agile innovation for uncertain times - Fast, flexible innovation can be an important tool in weathering uncertainty in the political and energy arenas. What innovation strategies and plans, if adopted by us, or brought in UK-wide, would bring the most benefit to your organisation or those you represent in these uncertain times?

Meeting 10 - 9 May 2017 - Liverpool

Meeting 10 - 9 May 2017 - Liverpool

During this meeting we discussed:

  • Business resilience in the new energy mix – Today electricity dependent systems underpin every sector of business. From modern communication systems requiring electricity, to the growth in electric vehicles in an effort to reduce carbon footprint, a secure supply is ever more crucial for day to day running as well as being the key to many areas of innovation. The change in energy mix and risk profile as the balance of renewables and traditional generation evolves presents some real risks and opportunities for businesses. This discussion will ask panel members:
  1. How can we help identify and work with businesses most at risk and encourage them to improve resilience?
  2. What is your organisation's view of a balanced energy portfolio to minimise risk and how can we influence policy making?
  3. What are your views on our approach to supporting customers during a rare extended power outage, reenergising the network, and reconnecting customers?
  • Sustainability – there will be a brief update on the company's Sustainability Strategy.

Meeting 9 - 2 February 2017 - Colwyn Bay, North Wales

Meeting 9 - 2 February 2017 - Colwyn Bay, North Wales

During this meeting, we discussed:

  • Consumer Vulnerability – discussion with panel members to guide our approach to  consumer vulnerability, including new ways of using data mapping to identify and support vulnerable customers.
  • Customer Awareness – discussion to identify additional stakeholder and customer groups to target, new and eye-catching methods and partnerships to increase the reach of our customer awareness programme.
  • Rural Overhead Lines – Discussion about how SPEN can maximise relationships when working on infrastructure in rural areas, and minimise the disruption caused.

Meeting 8 - 2 November 2016 - Middlewich, Cheshire

Meeting 8 - 2 November 2016 - Middlewich, Cheshire

During this meeting, we discussed:

  • Business updates – including recent achievements in customer service, preparing for winter resilience, and the challenges of addressing a significant increase in metal theft across Merseyside and Cheshire. 
  • First year of business plan update – how the company is performing against the first year of the ED1 business plan, the challenging investment decisions the business has had to make in the Manweb licence area, and the innovative solutions being developed in response to a limited budget.
  • Promoting equal access to education and employment opportunities – broad discussion with panel members to generate ideas and potential collaboration opportunities, particularly in relation to providing better opportunities for deprived and third generation unemployed people living within the Manweb patch.
  • Moving from a DNO (Distribution Network Operator) to a DSO (Distribution System Operator) model – explaining the the key drivers behind the change, the vision for SP Energy Networks in this new role and the potential opportunities for stakeholders. The panel discussed the risks, opportunities and other potential issues on the horizon. Panel members also discussed how the company can best communicate this change to other stakeholders and customers.

Meeting 7 - 3 February 2016 - Liverpool

Meeting 7 - 3 February 2016 - Liverpool

During this meeting, we discussed:

  • SP Energy Networks in Liverpool – including an overview of the history of the company’s operations in Liverpool, a tour of the Grid Supply Point at Lister Drive and a presentation of the plans for its replacement.
  • Business updates – including recent safety activities, a recent improvement in customer satisfaction results, recent extreme weather events and how the company has protected vulnerable customers during these events, and the news that north Wales will soon become a net exporter of electricity at peak hours.
  • Sustainability – a broad deliberative discussion on what a sustainable power distribution company of the future looks like and how SP Energy Networks can begin to take incremental steps to achieve this goal.
  • Local economic impact - looking at the company’s current approach to improving its impact on local deprived communities and discussing ideas for improving this, including developing skills, working with young people, improving the company’s reputation as an employer and providing more tailored and supportive recruitment channels.

Meeting 6 - 30 September 2015 - Wrexham

Meeting 6 - 30 September 2015 - Wrexham

During this meeting, we discussed:

  • Welcoming new members – new members were given an introduction to the work of SP Energy Networks and how it is regulated, particularly in relation to the Manweb licence area.
  • Business updates – including a recent safety incident and the company response, the newly launched Ofgem consultation on feed-in tariffs and the SP Energy Networks Trusted Partner Network which is in development.
  • Smart meters programme – the discussions covered the company’s stakeholder engagement activities around this initiative, the appropriate positioning and public messaging to come from DNOs, the management of accurate information about the benefits smart meters will bring, and ideas for better ways to engage with the 127 energy retailers who are responsible for the roll out.
  • Community energy schemes – covering the company’s approach to community energy schemes and the current spread of distributed generation for the Manweb license area. The group looked at the constraints on the network and how SP Energy Networks can better support communities who wish to connect.

Meeting 5 - 21 July 2015 - Ellesmere Port

Meeting 5 - 21 July 2015 - Ellesmere Port

During this meeting, we discussed:

  • Energy and Innovation Centre – an introduction to the centre and the work that it does, how they build opportunities for collaboration and projects that SP Energy Networks are involved in
  • Business updates – including recent safety activities, the launch of new regional stakeholder engagement ‘district days’ and feedback from Ofgem’s recent stakeholder engagement award panel
  • Fuel Poverty – hearing experiences from panel member Viridis (Home Energy Savings Partnership in Liverpool), details of our approach to identifying and meeting our social obligations, and the potential opportunities for a more joined up approach to tackling fuel poverty
  • Jobs and Skills – addressing the challenges of recruiting and retaining high quality graduates and apprentices in the Manweb region, experiences from other sectors and ideas for raising awareness of SP Energy Networks as an attractive employer

Meeting 4 - 16 April 2015 - Chester

Meeting 4 - 16 April 2015 - Chester

During this meeting, we discussed:

  • Recent Achievements – updates on recent achievements within the Manweb area, for example connection of the new port at Seaforth, Liverpool2
  • Communications and Social Obligations – updates, including the translation of the website into Welsh and working with panel members Viridis to develop a social value calculator
  • RIIO-ED1 Business plan for Manweb – including detailed discussion to determine the areas we should prioritise for continued investment and where we can reduce spending
  • Innovation – looking at SP Energy Networks’ approach to future proofing the network and identifying opportunities for us to collaborate with the business community and small to medium enterprises to stimulate innovation

Meeting 3 - 20 January 2015 - Llandudno

Meeting 3 - 20 January 2015 - Llandudno

During this meeting, we discussed:

  • Organisational restructure – introducing the new Director for Manweb and all the new District General Managers
  • Business plan for Manweb – Ofgem’s final determination of the 2015-23 RIIO-ED1 business plans and the challenge for the Manweb license area in managing the shortfall in funding; stakeholder prioritisation of resources
  • Communications – introduction of severe weather warnings to key stakeholders, plans for website translation into Welsh, and marketing and advertising to build customer awareness

Meeting 2 - 16 October 2014 - Hoylake

Meeting 2 - 16 October 2014 - Hoylake

During this meeting, we discussed:

  • Communications and Social Obligations – updates from the social issues working group and the communications task force. Members discussed a potential partnership between SP Energy Networks and panel member Viridis on social investment calculators
  • Member survey – discussing the outputs from a recent baseline survey of panel members to ensure that their aspirations for the panel can be met
  • Resilience – including preparation for winter, managing data in order to protect vulnerable customers, control room operations and rota disconnections
  • Economic Impact – presentations and discussions covering the experiences of Liverpool City Council and Energy Island Anglesey in working with SP Energy Networks to facilitate economic growth and methods for future proofing, smarter networks and social return on investment

Meeting 1 - 17 July 2014 - Chester

Meeting 1 - 17 July 2014 - Chester

During this meeting, we discussed:

  • Introduction to SP Energy Networks – including an overview of the role,  structure, responsibilities and regulation of the company
  • Business update – including the potential impacts of the Scottish referendum and recent changes within Ofgem
  • Connections – including the development of Quote+ and detailed heat maps
  • Communications and Social Obligations – updates and discussions covering the unique populations of North Wales, the Priority Services Register and data sharing challenges
  • Terms of reference & issues for discussion by the Stakeholder Panel – to agree plans for how the Panels will function and to prioritise the issues it will focus on. Facilitating economic development and emergency preparedness were highlighted as issues to take forward for the next two meetings

Workshop - 4 April 2014 - Liverpool

Workshop - 4 April 2014 - Liverpool

During this meeting, we discussed:

  • An introduction to SP Energy Networks and its business obligations
  • The company’s current approach to stakeholder engagement and aspirations for developing a dedicated strategic stakeholder panel for the Manweb license area
  • An identification and prioritisation of the issues that stakeholders would like to discuss at panel meetings, including how SP Energy Networks can support local economic growth, opportunities for collaboration with stakeholders, improving resilience forums, tackling fuel poverty and communicating with customers

Transmission Strategic Panel

Meeting 2 - 14 March 2017 - Glasgow

Meeting 2 - 14 March 2017 - Glasgow

During this meeting, we discussed:

  • Sustainability – Discussion to seek the Panel’s feedback and enhance the development of our Sustainability Strategy and Sustainability Annual Statement, to share and build understanding of our sustainability strategy, and to discuss strategy, performance and next steps relating to EDR (Environmental Discretionary Reward).

Meeting 1 - 6 December 2016 - Glasgow

Meeting 1 - 6 December 2016 - Glasgow

During this meeting, we discussed:

  • Transmission Business Update – Discussion of the ways in which SPT can optimise their efforts in innovation, incentive performance, network renewal, support for renewable generation, baseline and strategic works and connecting renewables for the benefit of the GB network and its customers.
  • Security of Supply – Discussion of the significance of recent changes in generation capacity and the ongoing import/export balance, potential impacts including black start, potential for disruption during ice storms and potential length of interruption to power supplies, and the importance of forward planning.
  • Transition from Distribution Network Operator (DNO) to Distribution System Operator (DSO) – Discussion of the opportunities, impacts and drivers in the transition from DNO to DSO, from uni-directional flow to more interactivity, greater access to local generation and the balancing market.
  • Commercial innovation – Discussion of the ways in which the current charging and connections processes can be simplified.

Workshop - 30 March 2016 - Glasgow

Workshop - 30 March 2016 - Glasgow

During this meeting we discussed:

  • Company Overview & Update – including the Transmission investment plan and strategic projects.
  • Progress Overview covering key elements of RIIO-T1, key incentives, innovation and key challenges. Discussions covered economic impacts, supply chain demand cycle, reliability of the network and environmental impacts.
  • Introduction of Enhanced System Operator Role for National Grid – scope, potential impact and the Networks Options Assessment (NOA) process.
  • Security of Supply – this discussion considered transmission security standards, weather related emergencies, system related emergencies resilience and ‘Black Start’. 
  • Land and planning – including consideration of stakeholders, communities and grantors, looking at how the new enhanced System Operator role might affect engagement and considering pylon design.
  • How engagement has shaped the work of SP Transmission in relation to its business plan, ongoing deliverability and cornerstones such as safety, sustainability and innovation. Finally the group discussed useful topics for future engagement.

If you would like further information on any of our panel meetings, please get in touch.


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