Outside property boundary
This section offers helpful information and advice relating to enquiries which are out with your property boundary.
To report a power cut or damage to electricity power lines or substations call the national Freephone number 105.

Please select a category:
Current category: Substations
Current category: Overhead Lines
Current category: Electricity Poles
Current category: Street Lighting
Current category: Digging and Streetworks
If your enquiry is not listed above, please click here to contact us: online form or by email or phone us on 0330 10 10 444.
Current category: GS6 Request Form
If you have an issue on your land, you can get help by visiting our 'On your land' pages. Please see the link below for further information:
On your land
If you have an issue inside your property, you can get help by visiting 'At your property' using the link below:
At your property