We have identified a swathe of land between the converter station at Westfield and the landfall point at Kinghorn within which underground cables could be installed. We will need a ‘working width’ of approximately 40 metres within this swathe, and we are consulting local people on where within the swathe this should go.
Our preferred route is approximately 14km in length, running mainly through rural areas to the south of the A92, and on the margins of scattered settlements to the north of the A92.
The preferred route avoids designated areas including Camilla Loch SSSI, Raith Park and Beveridge Park Garden. It will cross under the A92, the Fife Circle Railway Line and watercourses using trenchless technology (such as HDD). This technology may also be used to pass safely under other features such as large areas of woodland if we cannot route around them.
You can find more detail about how we selected our preferred cable route in the Eastern Green Link 4 Reinforcement Routeing and Consultation Document. We recognise that construction work can cause temporary inconvenience and disturbance, but we believe our preferred route will keep this to a minimum. Once the cables are installed the land will be reinstated and there will be no visible above-ground infrastructure.