The overhead line (OHL) at this section follows a route just east of the A91 from Manor Powis to the junction near Logie Kirk and Airthrey Castle before following a route north west through Yellowcraig Wood and then onto the Wharry Burn at Sheriffmuir where the ScottishPower Transmission licence area ends and the OHL passes onto Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Ltd to deliver.
The areas at Manor Powis, Yellowcraig Wood, Dumyat, Sheriffmuir and the Wharry Burn each share a high level of environmental sensitivity. For this reason great care has been taken in the route chosen for the OHL and the mitigation measures proposed during construction and reinstatement. The Stirling Visual Impact Mitigation Scheme outlines wide ranging proposals for tree planting and landscape works along the A91, forest design, the reinstatement of drystone walling, tower painting and additional landscape mitigation as a means of lessening the visual impact of the OHL.
In addition methodology is being designed to reduce the physical disturbance required in building and operating an OHL of this scale. Such methodology will include a vast reduction in the tree clearance required around the line through the delivery of a concept forest design at Yellowcraig Wood.
Due to the unique nature of the constraints exhibited between Manor Powis and the Wharry Burn a great deal of care and time is being taken in developing the specific construction programme at this section of the line. Once this has been developed more information will be displayed on the website.
What will be happening between Manor Powis and the Wharry Burn?
At the present time work is progressing on the surveys required to facilitate the level of project planning described above together with the delivery of construction access roads and public road improvement. Work on the overhead line itself and the larger physical elements of this section of the project are intended to follow in late 2014 and early 2015. This element of the project is intended to be delivered towards the end of the overall project. Details of wider mitigation required in this sensitive area will be displayed on this website.