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North Argyll Tie-In

The proposed North Argyll Tie-In is located approximately 1km south of Dalmally in Argyll and Bute. SP Energy Networks (SPEN) have a licence obligation to provide electricity generators with a connection to the electricity system in this area and, in line with this, is proposing to construct 0.6 km of temporary overhead line (OHL) supported on two temporary masts and one permanent steel lattice tower which will form part of the existing OHL known as ‘YW route’ between Dalmally and Windyhill. 

This Project is proposed in tandem with an OHL proposal by Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks Transmission (SSEN Transmission) which proposes construction and operation of a 13.3km OHL supported on steel lattice towers between the proposed Creag Dhubh Substation and the existing SPEN 275kV OHL. The Scottish Power Transmission terminal tower will facilitate connection of the new SSEN OHL to the transmission network.

Volume 1- Non Technical Summary

Volume 2- Main Report

Volume 3a- EIA Figures


Volume 3b-EIA Visualisations

Volume 4-EIA Technical Appendices

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