We are the licensed Transmission Owner (TO) for Central and Southern Scotland with our transmission network consisting of over 4000 kilometres of overhead and 320 kilometers of underground lines which transport electricity at 400kV, 275kV or 132 kV. These lines are supported by our substations which allow energy to be transformed to different voltages.
Large sections of our network are located in areas classified by the Met Office as particularly at risk of severe weather. As with all our equipment, we carry out a comprehensive approach to asset condition monitoring and inspection, often using helicopters to perform this task with our overhead lines.
The current Investment Plan has been developed utilising our Asset Risk Management Policies and the replacement of ageing overhead line infrastructure is a key investment area in terms of our modernisation programme. Much of this work is achieved by renewing the conductors (cables) that are suspended between the transmission towers.
To ensure our network reflects changing demand, at times we require to reinforce our overhead and underground networks by replacing existing assets with lines which have increased capacity and which transport energy at a higher voltage. This again, can often be achieved by the installation of new conductors which operate at a higher voltage, however depending on requirements, in certain circumstances the construction of larger towers may also be necessary.

As renewable energy sources continue to develop, our network is key to meeting GB renewable targets. Connecting these clean energy sources into the network is a complex task and at times results in new overhead lines being built or underground cables being installed.
With over 4000 km of overhead lines and the ongoing changes in energy demands, considerable development and maintenance is undertaken each year to ensure the network continues to deliver a safe and reliable supply to our customers.
Contact Information
Should you require any further information please make contact via the following phone number or email address:
Community Liaison phone number – 07516461129
Community Liaison email – majorprojects@spenergynetworks.com
Press Enquiries – 0141 614 4535