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My meter board needs replaced/repaired (Scotland only)

As the meter board is your property, you will need to arrange a 3rd party to undertake the repair.

If you require a temporary disconnection to your supply to allow the repair/replacement, please contact us by completing the online form, emailing or phoning on the contact details below.

Central & Southern Scotland

Telephone: 0330 10 10 444

Opening Hours: Mon - Fri 08:30 - 16:30

*Calls to 03 numbers cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02 number and must count towards any inclusive minutes in the same way as 01 and 02 calls. These rules apply to calls from any type of line including mobile, BT, other fixed line or payphone

If you have an issue outside of your property boundary, you can get help by visiting our 'Outside property boundary' pages via the link below:

Outside property boundary

If you have an issue on your land, you can get help by visiting our 'On your land' pages. Please see the link below for further information:

On your land


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