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MSIP Reopeners

As part of the RIIO-2 price control, electricity transmission networks have the Medium Sized Investment Project (MSIP) re-opener for projects that meet certain conditions and cost less than £100m. You can view details of our re-opener applications below.

January 2025 update: MSIP re-opener applications

Branxton 400kV Substation

This MSIP Re-opener application sets out SP Transmission’s plans to establish Branxton 400kV Substation, with works commencing in the RIIO-T2 period (April 2021 – March 2026) and completion of all works programmed in 2031/32, during the RIIO-T4 period.

Branxton is a significant new 400kV substation development, utilising Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS), on the eastern side of the SP Transmission (SPT) network, near Torness. Its purpose is to enable the timely and co-ordinated connection of the 2,000MW Eastern HVDC Link to the north east of England.

In April 2022 Ofgem published its provisional decision on its first stage assessment of SPT’s MSIP Re-opener application, noting “the proposed construction of a new 400kV 21-bay Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) substation at Branxton and the subsequent substation works represented the optimal option”.

This document, which should be read in conjunction with the related  Stage 1 submission,  forms SPT’s Stage 2 application.

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution, cost estimates, project delivery and outputs.

Redactions have been made for this published re-opener application due to the sensitivity of the content as it includes confidential information with commercial sensitivity.  

View our full application here: Branxton MSIP Reopener Stage 2 - Redacted


SPT-RI-302 Glenglass 132kV Substation

This MSIP Re-opener application sets out SPT’s plans to carry out reinforcement work at Glenglass 132kV Substation. These works comprise the establishment of a new 132kV Substation utilising Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) and the reinforcement of 132kV underground cables at Blackhill 132kV Substation. The establishment of a new 132kV GIS substation at Glenglass will facilitate the connection of new renewable generation and the future extension of the south west Scotland 132kV network. The works are currently programmed to complete in 2026/27 (RIIO-T3).

In September 2023, Ofgem published its provisional decision on its first stage assessment of SPT’s MSIP Re-opener application, noting “we proposed to accept the initial needs case for the project and the preferred option presented by SPT in addressing the needs case”.

This document, which should be read in conjunction with the related  Stage 1 submission,  forms SPT’s Stage 2 application.

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution, cost estimates, project delivery and outputs.

Redactions have been made for this published re-opener application due to the sensitivity of the content as it includes confidential information with commercial sensitivity.  

View our full application here: SPT RI 302 Glenglass 132kV Substation MSIP Reopener Stage 2 - Redacted

Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm and SPT-RI-1742 Cockenzie LMS Scheme

This MSIP Re-opener application sets out SP Transmission’s plans to carry out infrastructure work at Cockenzie 275kV Substation, within the RIIO-T2 period, required to enable the connection of the 1,080MW Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm, including the establishment of a Load Management Scheme (SPT-RI-1742 Cockenzie LMS Scheme), with works commencing in the RIIO-T2 period and commissioning programmed in 2026/27, during the RIIO-T3 period.

In April 2022 Ofgem published its provisional decision on its first stage assessment of SPT’s Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm MSIP Re-opener Application, noting that “repurposing former Cockenzie power station bays represented the optimal solution in terms of facilitating the Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm connection into Cockenzie 275kV substation”.

This document, which should be read in conjunction with the related  Stage 1 submission,  forms SPT’s Stage 2 application for Inch Cape Offshore Wind farm and Full Application for SPT-RI-1742 Cockenzie LMS Scheme.

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution, cost estimates, project delivery and outputs.

Redactions have been made for this published re-opener application due to the sensitivity of the content as it includes confidential information with commercial sensitivity.  

View our full application here: Inch-Cape-Offshore-Wind-Farm-and-SPT-RI-1742-MSIP-Reopener-Stage-2-Redacted

SPT-TOCO-2201 Kilmarnock BESS (Flexpower) 

This MSIP Re-opener application sets out SPT’s plans to connect the Kilmarnock BESS development, enabling the connection of 350MW of contracted Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). These works comprise: (i) the installation of a new 400kV Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) bay at Kilmarnock South 400kV Substation; (ii) an approximate 2.6km 400kV cable circuit from Kilmarnock South Substation to a new ‘Boydston’ 400kV Substation located at the User’s site; and (iii) the establishment of Boydston 400kV Substation, equipped with one 400kV metering circuit breaker and associated disconnectors. The works are currently programmed to commence in the RIIO-T2 period and complete in 2026/27 (RIIO-T3).

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented within this MSIP Re-opener application document, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution.

Redactions have been made for this published re-opener application due to the sensitivity of the content as it includes confidential information with commercial sensitivity.

View our full application here: SPT-TOCO-2201-Kilmarnock-BESS-MSIP-Reopener-Redacted

SPT-RI-282 Mark Hill SGT4

This MSIP Re-opener application sets out SPT’s plans to carry out reinforcement works at Mark Hill 275/132kV Substation with works commencing in the RIIO-T2 period and commissioning programmed in 2027/28, during the RIIO-T3 period. These works comprise the installation of Mark Hill SGT4, a 275/132kV 240MVA Supergrid Transformer (SGT) and all associated works. These works will enable the connection of 228MW of contracted onshore wind generation and battery storage system.

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution, cost estimates, project delivery and outputs.

Redactions have been made for this published re-opener application due to the sensitivity of the content as it includes confidential information with commercial sensitivity.

View our full application here: SPT-RI-282 Mark Hill SGT4 MSIP Reopener - Redacted

Extension of Sub-Synchronous Oscillation (SSO) Detection Capabilities

This MSIP Re-opener application defines SP Transmission’s plans to extend its existing sub-synchronous oscillation (SSO) detection capabilities. This is in response to an STCP 16-1 Planning Request received from National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO), now the National Energy System Operator (NESO), in July 2024.

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution, cost estimates, project delivery and outputs.

Redactions have been made for this published re-opener application due to the sensitivity of the content as it includes confidential information with commercial sensitivity. 

View our full application here: Extension of Sub Synchronous Oscillation Detection Capabilities MSIP Reopener - Redacted

January 2024 update: MSIP re-opener applications

Windyhill – Lambhill – Denny North 400kV Reinforcement (DLUP)

This MSIP Re-opener application sets out SP Transmission’s (SPT) plans to establish Windyhill 400kV Substation and uprate the Denny North – Lambhill – Windyhill 275kV circuit to 400kV operation.  The purpose of the project is to facilitate increased power transfer into and through the SPT network from renewable developments across the north of Scotland. These works are programmed to commence in the RIIO-T2 period (April 2021 – March 2026) and complete in 2029/30, during the RIIO-T3 period.

Integrating load and non-load related drivers in an economic, efficient and co-ordinated manner, it is proposed to proceed with a scope of works which will: (i) establish a new 400kV substation at Windyhill; (ii) uprate the existing Denny North – Lambhill – Windyhill 275kV circuit to 400kV operation; and (iii) modernise and maximise the capability of the existing XD overhead line route. The needs case for the development of the new 400kV substation at Windyhill including the uprating of the associated overhead line circuits and the factors that have an impact on the timing and scope of works are discussed.

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution.

Redactions have been made for this published re-opener application due to the sensitivity of the content as it includes confidential information with commercial sensitivity.  

View our full application here: DLUP MSIP_Reopener

Elvanfoot - Harker Overhead Line Uprating Works (EHRE)

This MSIP Re-opener application sets out SP Transmission’s (SPT) plans to replace the phase conductor and earthwire on ZV route between Elvanfoot and the SPT/NGET border north of Harker with a High Temperature Low Sag (HTLS) conductor system, as part of a major refurbishment and uprating of this 400kV overhead line (OHL) route. The purpose of this project is to facilitate increased power transfer from Scotland to England via the thermal uprating of this strategic 400kV OHL route. The works are currently programmed to commence in the RIIO-T2 period and complete in 2030/31 (RIIO-T3)

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented within this MSIP Re-opener application document, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution.

Redactions have been made for this published re-opener application due to the sensitivity of the content as it includes confidential information with commercial sensitivity.  

View our full application here: MSIP Reopener SPT-RI 231 Elvanfoot Harker OHL Reinforcement

Strathaven - Elvanfoot Overhead Line Uprating Works (VERE)

This MSIP Re-opener application sets out SP Transmission’s (SPT) plans to replace the phase conductor and earthwire on ZV route between Strathaven and Elvanfoot with a High Temperature Low Sag (HTLS) conductor system, as part of a major refurbishment and uprating of this 400kV overhead line (OHL) route. The purpose of this project is to facilitate increased power transfer from Scotland to England via the thermal uprating of this strategic 400kV OHL route. The works are currently programmed to commence in the RIIO-T2 period and complete in 2030/31 (RIIO-T3).

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented within this MSIP Re-opener application document, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution.

Redactions have been made for this published re-opener application due to the sensitivity of the content as it includes confidential information with commercial sensitivity.  

View our full application here: MSIP Reopener SPT-RI 1797 Strathaven to Elvanfoot OHL Uprating

Glenglass to Glenmuckloch 132kV OHL

This MSIP Re-opener application sets out SPT’s plans to carry out reinforcement work between Glenglass 132kV Substation and a new Glenmuckloch 132kV Substation within the RIIO-T2 and early RIIO-T3 periods. These works will extend the 132kV transmission network in southwest Scotland from Glenglass 132kV Substation to a new Glenmuckloch 132kV Substation, enabling the connection of 342 MW of contracted onshore wind generation.

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented within this MSIP Re-opener application document, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution.

Redactions have been made for this published re-opener application due to the sensitivity of the content as it includes confidential information with commercial sensitivity.  

View our full application here: Glenglass to Glenmuckloch 132kV OHL MSIP Reopener

Redshaw 400kV Substation;  Redshaw 132kV Substation (‘A’ Board); and Redshaw 400/132kV SGT2 (Redshaw Cluster)

This MSIP Re-opener submission sets out SP Transmission’s (SPT) plans to establish: (i) Redshaw 400kV Substation; (ii) Redshaw 132kV Substation (‘A’ Board); and (iii) Redshaw 400/132kV SGT2. This submission supports three discrete MSIP Re-opener applications. The purpose of these projects is to facilitate the connection of contracted onshore wind generation and Battery Energy Storage Systems. These works are programmed to commence in the RIIO-T2 period (April 2021 – March 2026) and complete in 2027/28, during the RIIO-T3 period.

Redshaw 400/132kV is a significant new 400kV/132kV substation development, utilising Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS), in the South Lanarkshire area,  that will enable the connection of 1714MW of contracted generation development in the area between Coalburn and Elvanfoot, as well as the connection of a further 650MW of contracted renewable generation capacity in southwest Scotland. The needs case for the 400/132kV Substation development and the factors that have an impact on the timing and scope of works are discussed.

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution.

Redactions have been made for this published re-opener application due to the sensitivity of the content as it includes confidential information with commercial sensitivity.  

View our full application here: Redshaw Cluster MSIP Reopener

Enoch Hill Collector Substation and Associated 132kV Circuit

This MSIP Re-opener application sets out SPT’s plans to establish Enoch Hill 132/33kV Substation  within the RIIO-T2 period, comprising: (i) the installation of a new 132kV feeder bay at New Cumnock 132kV Substation; (ii) an approximate 5km 132kV cable circuit from New Cumnock to Enoch Hill; and (iii) the establishment of Enoch Hill 132/33kV Substation, equipped with one 132/33kV 90MVA transformer. These works will enable the connection of 79MW of contracted wind generation.

In September 2023, Ofgem published its provisional decision on its first stage assessment of SPT’s MSIP Re-opener application, noting “we proposed to accept the initial needs case for the project and the preferred option presented by SPT in addressing the needs case”.

This document, which should be read in conjunction with the related  Stage 1 submission,  forms SPT’s Stage 2 application.

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution, cost estimates, project delivery and outputs.

Redactions have been made for this published re-opener application due to the sensitivity of the content as it includes confidential information with commercial sensitivity.  

View our full application here: SPT-RI-237 Enoch Hill MSIP Reopener Stage 2

B6 Constraint Management Pathfinder 2024/25 - Operational Tripping Scheme Modifications

This MSIP Re-opener application defines SP Transmission’s plans to extend the Anglo-Scottish Operational Intertrip Scheme (OTS), which is part of the SPT-NGET Interconnector Control Schemes (ICS) (a System Integrity Protect Scheme). This is in response to an STCP 16-1 Planning Request received from NGESO in respect of the B6 Constraint Management Pathfinder (CMP) 2024/25 initiative.

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution, cost estimates, project delivery and outputs.

Redactions have been made for this published re-opener application due to the sensitivity of the content as it includes confidential information with commercial sensitivity.  

View our full application here: CMP Phase 2 MSIP Reopener

January 2023 update: MSIP re-opener applications

Kincardine North 400 kV Substation

This MSIP Re-opener application sets out SP Transmission’s (SPT) plans to establish Kincardine North 400kV Substation. The purpose of the project is to facilitate increased power transfer into and through the SPT network from renewable developments across the north of Scotland and enable the decommissioning of Longannet 275kV Substation, which is now approaching end of life. These works are programmed to commence in the RIIO-T2 period (April 2021 – March 2026) and complete in 2027/28, during the RIIO-T3 period.

Kincardine North is a significant new 400kV substation development, utilising Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS), in the north-east of the SPT network, near Kincardine. The needs case for Kincardine North 400 kV Substation and the factors that have an impact on the timing and scope of works are discussed.

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution.

Redactions have been made for this published re-opener application due to the sensitivity of the content as it includes confidential information with commercial sensitivity.

View our full application hereKincardine North 400 kV Substation

Kincardine-Wishaw (Clyde’s Mill) 400 kV Reinforcement

This MSIP Re-opener application sets out SP Transmission’s (SPT) plans to establish Clyde’s Mill 400kV Substation. The purpose of the project is to facilitate increased power transfer into and through the SPT network from renewable developments across the north of Scotland. These works are programmed to commence in the RIIO-T2 period (April 2021 – March 2026) and complete in 2027/28, during the RIIO-T3 period.

It is proposed to establish Clyde’s Mill 400kV Substation in a ‘three switch’ configuration, utilising Air Insulated Switchgear (AIS). The proposed development will help to ensure the network is ready for the changes required by Net Zero targets. The proposed configuration will enable the future establishment of a 400kV single circuit connection from Clyde’s Mill to Strathaven 400kV Substation (ref. NOA code CVUP). The needs case for the development of Clyde’s Mill 400kV Substation and the factors that have an impact on the timing and scope of works are discussed.

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution.

Redactions have been made for this published re-opener application due to the sensitivity of the content as it includes confidential information with commercial sensitivity. .

View our full application hereKincardine-Wishaw (Clyde’s Mill) 400 kV Reinforcement

XH/XJ Routes Overhead Line Uprating Works

This MSIP Re-opener application sets out SP Transmission’s (SPT) plans to replace the phase conductors on XH and XJ routes with a High Temperature Low Sag (HTLS) conductor system, as part of the major refurbishment of these 400kV overhead line (OHL) routes. The purpose of this project is to facilitate increased power transfer from Scotland to England and ensure timely modernisation of two strategic 400kV OHL routes. The works are programmed to commence in the RIIO-T2 period and complete in 2027/28 (RIIO-T3).

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented within this MSIP Re-opener application document, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution.

Redactions have been made for this published re-opener application due to the sensitivity of the content as it includes confidential information with commercial sensitivity.

View our full application here: XH/XJ Routes Overhead Line Uprating Works

Coalburn SGT4

This MSIP Re-opener application sets out SPT’s plans to carry out reinforcement work at Coalburn 400/132kV Substation within the RIIO-T2 period (April 2021 – March 2026), comprising reconfiguration works and the installation of a fourth Supergrid Transformer (SGT), increasing the substation capacity and enabling the connection of 288MW of contracted onshore wind generation.

In April 2022 Ofgem published its provisional decision on its first stage assessment of SPT’s MSIP Re-opener application, noting “the installation of a fourth 360MVA Supergrid Transformer (SGT) and the subsequent substation works represent the optimal option for the consumers”.

This document, which should be read in conjunction with the related Stage 1 submission, forms SPT’s Stage 2 application.

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution, cost estimates, project delivery and outputs.

Redactions have been made for this published re-opener application due to the sensitivity of the content as it includes confidential information with commercial sensitivity.

View our full application hereCoalburn SGT4

Glenglass 132kV Substation

This MSIP Re-opener application sets out SPT’s plans to carry out reinforcement work under SPT-RI-302 at Glenglass 132kV Substation within the RIIO-T2 period (April 2021 – March 2026). These works comprise the establishment of a new 132kV Substation utilising Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) and the reinforcement of 132kV underground cables at Blackhill 132kV Substation. The establishment of a new 132kV GIS substation at Glenglass will facilitate the connection of new renewable generation and the future extension of the south west Scotland 132kV network.

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented within this MSIP Re-opener application document, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution.

Redactions have been made for this published re-opener application due to the sensitivity of the content as it includes confidential information with commercial sensitivity.

View our full application hereGlenglass 132kV Substation

Enoch Hill Collector Substation and Associated 132kV Circuit

This MSIP Re-opener application sets out SPT’s plans to establish Enoch Hill 132/33kV Substation within the RIIO-T2 period, comprising: (i) the installation of a new 132kV feeder bay at New Cumnock 132kV Substation; (ii) an approximate 5km 132kV cable circuit from New Cumnock to Enoch Hill; and (iii) the establishment of Enoch Hill 132/33kV Substation, equipped with one 132/33kV 90MVA transformer. These works will enable the connection of 79MW of contracted wind generation.

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented within this MSIP Re-opener application document, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution.

Redactions have been made for this published re-opener application due to the sensitivity of the content as it includes confidential information with commercial sensitivity.

View our full application hereEnoch Hill Collector Substation and Associated 132kV Circuit

Constraint Management Pathfinder: LEO and OTS Modifications

This MSIP Re-opener application defines SP Transmission’s plans to develop the Anglo-Scottish Operational Intertrip (OTS) and Line End Open (LEO) components of the SPT-NGET Interconnector Control Schemes (a System Integrity Protection Scheme). This is in response to an STCP 16-1 Planning Request received from National Grid ESO in respect of their B6 Constraint Management Pathfinder initiative.

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution, cost estimates, project delivery and outputs.

Redactions have been made for this published re-opener application due to the sensitivity of the content as it includes confidential information with commercial sensitivity.  

View our full application hereConstraint Management Pathfinder: LEO and OTS Modifications

Wishaw-Eccles-Torness-Smeaton operational Intertrip Scheme

This MSIP Re-opener application defines SP Transmission’s (SPT) project to develop the Wishaw - Eccles - Torness - Smeaton Operational Intertrip Scheme component of the SPT-NGET Interconnector Control Schemes (a System Integrity Protection Scheme). This is in response to an STCP 16-1 Planning Request received from National Grid ESO.

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution, cost estimates, project delivery and outputs.

Redactions have been made for this published re-opener application due to the sensitivity of the content as it includes confidential information with commercial sensitivity. .

View our full application hereWishaw-Eccles-Torness-Smeaton operational Intertrip Scheme

February 2022 update: MSIP re-opener applications

Branxton 400kV Substation

This MSIP Re-opener application sets out SP Transmission’s plans to establish Branxton 400kV Substation, with works commencing in the RIIO-T2 period (April 2021 – March 2026) and commissioning programmed in 2026/27, during the RIIO-T3 period.

Branxton is a significant new 400kV substation development, utilising Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS), on the eastern side of the SP Transmission (SPT) network, near Torness. Its purpose is to enable the timely and co-ordinated connection of the 2,000MW Eastern HVDC Link to the north east of England.

The needs case for Branxton 400kV Substation and the factors that have an impact on the timing and scope of works are discussed. Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented within this MSIP Re-opener application document, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution.

View our full application hereBranxton 400kV Substation

Coalburn SGT4 Installation

This MSIP Re-opener application sets out SPT’s plans to carry out reinforcement work at Coalburn 400/132kV Substation within the RIIO-T2 period (April 2021 – March 2026), comprising reconfiguration works and the installation of a fourth Supergrid Transformer (SGT), increasing the substation capacity and enabling the connection of 274MW of contracted onshore wind generation.

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented within this MSIP Re-opener application document, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution.

View our full application hereCoalburn SGT4 Installation

Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm

This MSIP Re-opener application sets out SP Transmission’s plans to carry out infrastructure work at Cockenzie 275kV Substation, within the RIIO-T2 period (April 2021 – March 2026), required to enable the connection of the 1,080MW Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm.

Full justification for the preferred investment option is presented within this MSIP Re-opener application document, together with a detailed description of the proposed solution.

View our full application here: Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm


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