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Green Recovery Investment - Scotland

We have been awarded £33.9m of funding to support Scotland’s transition to Net Zero and deliver a green economic recovery from Covid-19.

We have worked with Ofgem, the Energy Networks Association (ENA) and stakeholders across our communities to identify shovel-ready green projects that can be delivered with the right investment in our distribution network.

In our SP Distribution area which covers Central and Southern Scotland, we are moving forward with 20 projects which will reinforce and upgrade the electricity network to allow the connection of low carbon technologies (LCTs) such as electric vehicles (EVs) and electric heat pumps.

Over the next two years the delivery and completion of these projects will demonstrate the importance of accelerating investment in these areas if we are to drive a green economic recovery and achieve the Scottish Government’s target of achieving Net Zero by 2045.

Our Green Recovery investment in Scotland will create sufficient new capacity on our electricity network to enable the connection of around 200 rapid or ultra-rapid EV chargers, and 1,500 electric heat pumps.

By facilitating the connection of these low carbon technologies, SP Energy Networks is demonstrating that we are firmly at the heart of this transition to a cleaner, greener future.

Click the link below to view case studies of some of the Green Recovery projects we are delivering in Scotland.

Green Recovery Investment map - Scotland

Stakeholders in these areas wishing to utilise this additional capacity are encouraged to apply here for a connection to our network.  


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