In general, for generators in excess of 16A per phase (3.68kW), the connection must comply with Engineering Recommendation G99, published by the Electricity Networks Association.
The G99 guides can be found by clicking the link below:
For connections that fall under the requirements of G99 the following application forms have been developed, please use the appropriate form for your proposed development and refer to the above guides if required.
Domestic Generation Connections and Generation Connections <50kW
All Generation Connections ≥50kW
If you are applying for a generation connection ≥50kW and <1MW, please complete and submit the below Standard Application Form only to
If you are applying for a generation connection ≥1MW, the G99 Standard Application Form, linked above, must be accompanied by the below 5 items. Please send the Standard Application Form linked above, along with each of the below 5 items, to
- Heads of Terms (HoT).
- Site Drawings which must consist of a Site Layout Plan and a Detailed Engineering Plan.
- Single Line Diagram
- Preliminary Project Timeline.
- Mandatory Completion of Part 4 of the G99 Standard Application Form linked above.
Examples, including detailed guidance, of the 5 items mentioned above are provided in the ENA’s Queue Entry Requirements for Generation Schemes guidance document: New Distribution Queue Entry Requirements – Energy Networks Association (ENA).
If we do not receive all required information accompanying the G99 form for generation connections ≥1MW then your application will be declared non-competent and/or paused until we are in receipt of all required information detailed above.