About Flexibility
Flexibility Services Overview
Flexibility services is where a Distribution Network Operator (DNO), like us, pays a third party to operate assets in a way that’s beneficial to our network. Those third parties will be owners of generation assets or low carbon technologies (LCTs) such as wind turbines, battery storage, solar or electric vehicles, and we may ask them to “turn down” or up depending on the needs of our network. In other words, we might ask them to lower the power consumption of their assets for an agreed period to allow us to free up that capacity for use elsewhere, or we might ask them to use more power in areas where we have excess generation.
As the needs of our customers and communities are constantly changing, the requirements of our electricity network are too. The increased uptake of LCTs does often result in constraints on the network during periods of high demand. However, new technologies and connections can often lead to excess generation in other areas too. Flexibility therefore provides an agile, smart means of balancing our network to solve both of those challenges.
Flexibility Providers
We will look to procure flexibility services through competitive tenders where possible and the responses from the flexibility providers will be used to:
- Identify the availability of flexibility resources in specific areas where flexibility could benefit the network.
- Understand the capabilities and restrictions of these resources.
- Evaluate the viability of using flexibility to meet network requirements.
Tender Information
Our partner, Piclo, are facilitating our procurement process on their Dynamic Purchasing Platform. For more information on our procurement processes and to view tender documents please visit SPEN’s profile on the Piclo Website
Spring Tender: Signposting. Company PQQ. April - May: Asset Qualification 6 weeks. May - June: Technical Assessment 2 weeks. June: Bidding Window 1 weeks. June - August: Commercial Assessment 4-8 weeks. Contract Award
Contact Us
We would welcome any feedback, comments or questions on our flexibility tenders. Please contact our flexibility team at: Flexibility@spenergynetworks.co.uk
Month Ahead Market
SP Energy Networks is calling on flexibility service providers to participate in its new month ahead Flexibility market.
We have new DSO flexibility opportunities available on our DPS system Piclo Flex.
- Tender for flexibility requirements for service windows on a month-by-month basis from June 2024 to March 2025
- Visibility of flexibility requirements for the next four years until March 2028
If you're a Flexible Service Provider looking to earn extra income, register your solutions via Piclo Flex on https://picloflex.com/
You can find all the tender documentation and supporting information in our supporting documentation below:
Next Steps
- Create a Picloflex account and complete the Dynamic Purchasing (DPS) application if you have not done so already.
- Upload your asset data to the Piclo Flex platform, providing all the requested information.
- Review and sign the Standard Fllexibility Services agreement
In order to take part in our competitions you must complete the above on picloflex.com, have prequalification confirmed and signed the Standard Flexibility Services Agreement.
Tender Process
The process, steps and timeline of our month-ahead tendering model is as follows:

FSPs will only need to register and sign the Framework Agreement once before participating in the monthly tenders
- Register
- Pre Qualification Questionnaire
- Asset Qualification
- Overarching Agreement
- Eligible for monthly tender
- Requirement Published (1st of each month)
- Trade Window Opens(22nd of each month)
- Contract Award Letter (30th-31st of each month)
- Dispatch Scheduled on Trade Acceptance(1st of following month)
- Settlement Post Utilisation(within 30 days post-dispatch)
*Only operational assets will be eligible to participate in active monthly tenders. Any asset in development can be uploaded to the Piclo platform and qualify for active participation once the asset has attained commercial operation.
Bidding opens on the 15th of each month. However, if the 15th of the month falls on a weekend or bank holiday this will be adjusted automatically to the next working day.
Further information about the tender process and instructions on how to submit tender bids is available at SP Energy Networks Flexibility Services Market - Piclo Flex
Tender Timelines
We will now tender for flexibility services for the next year on a month-by-month basis. Key dates for each tender round for the next year is highlighted in the table below:
Procurement Month | Requirements Published | Trade Window (09:30 - 16:30) | Bid Accepted | Contract Award | Service Window |
Novemeber 2024 | 01/11/2024 | 15/11/2024 | 22/11/2024 | 29/11/2024 | 01/12/2024 - 31/12/2024 |
Decemeber 2024 | 02/12/2024 | 16/12/2024 | 17/12/2024 | 20/12/2024 | 01/01/2025 - 31/01/2025 |
January 2025 | 06/01/2025 | 20/01/2025 | 22/01/2025 | 30/01/2025 | 01/02/2025 - 28/02/2025 |
February 2025 | 03/02/2025 | 17/01/2025 | 21/02/2025 | 28/02/2025 | 01/03/2025 - 31/03/2025 |
March 2025 | 03/03/2025 | 17/01/2025 | 21/03/2025 | 31/03/2025 | 01/04/2025 - 30/04/2025 |
Case Studies
Axle Energy
Axle Energy is a flex provider focused on distributed devices: EV charging, batteries, and heat pumps. Axle connects to these devices on behalf of OEMs or energy suppliers and optimises devices considering needs of the customer and the grid. Axle Energy founded in early 2023 by energy industry & software veterans has quickly become a large provider of distributed flexibility in Great Britain. Utilising EV chargers, batteries, and heat pumps, Axle is able to provide large amounts of domestic flexibility in the GB DSO markets including SP Energy Network’s.

GB DSOs have demonstrated that flexibility services are a cost-effective alternative to traditional methods like network reinforcement. By using flexibility, DSOs can manage grid stability and peak demand more efficiently, reducing the need for expensive infrastructure upgrades. Axle Energy focuses on distributed assets such as EV chargers, batteries, and heat pumps, which are perfect for DSO flexibility programs. These assets provide significant benefits to the grid and offer advantages to consumers, including lower energy bills, increased efficiency, and potential earnings. For flexibility service providers, the benefits include improved operational efficiency and new revenue opportunities. Axle is committed to demonstrating how these devices can enhance the distribution grid, ensuring a reliable and cost-effective energy future.

SP Energy Networks has been working with Axle over many years through the long-term tenders, and recently, in our Month Ahead Market. Our month ahead market allows flexibility service providers to bid in to flex opportunities across both our SPD and SPM license areas. Each month, new flex requirements are made live, enabling providers to bid into locations where their assets can provide demand turn down services. The Month Ahead Market provides quicker returns for flexibility providers and immediate value for consumers. By participating in shorter-term tenders, providers can respond rapidly to grid needs, optimize asset use, and generate revenue more frequently, benefiting both the grid and customers with timely and efficient flexibility services.
“A key metric for us is how quickly we can return value to device owners after they opt-in to flexibility. The Month Ahead Market allows us to participate with a much shorter delay, creating more value for consumers while responding to the short-term flexibility needs at SPEN. We consider the addition of Month Ahead to be a very positive addition to the DSO flexibility landscape.”
Pelle Jacobs – Axle Energy
Over the next few years, Axle hopes to prove that DSO flex is an enduring, reliable alternative to network reinforcement, enabling the distribution grids to connect distributed assets more cheaply and easily without the cost and delay of major infrastructure works. For SPEN, Axle has been a key participant across both our SPD and SPM license areas provider demand side flexibility in over 25 locations whilst utilising both EV chargers and domestic batteries – highlighting the ability for all types of controllable domestic technologies to participate in our DSO Flex Markets. Below you can see a snapshot of the Axle’s key stats in our MA market so far:
Flexibility Contracted (MWs):
Flexibility Contracted (MWs):
“SPEN’s customer engagement has been fantastic - the team has been supportive, available, and helpful. We look forward to continuing to work with the SPEN flexibility team.”
Axle Energy
Learn more about Axle Energy. If you are interested in talking to us about Flexibility Services, you can contact us at flexibility@spenergynetworks.co.uk and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible!
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Enabling Flexibility with AMP
AMP are at the forefront of the energy transition with a mission to create a smarter energy future. They focus on two core areas: grid flexibility and heat decarbonisation. Since 2016, AMP has led the development of dispatchable electricity generation and storage systems, supporting the network when and where it’s needed most. AMP’s network of grid flexibility assets comprises over 200MW of battery storage, gas reciprocating engines, and the UK’s first High Voltage Electrode Boiler, all playing a pivotal role in balancing renewables, avoiding costly grid reinforcement, and ensuring security of supply.

SP Energy Networks has collaborated with AMP over multiple years through the long-term tenders, and now, in our Month Ahead Market. Our month ahead market allows flexibility service providers to bid in to flex opportunities across our SPD and SPM license areas. Each month, new flex requirements are made live, enabling providers to offer demand turn down services. For FSPs, this means optimizing asset use, responding quickly to grid needs, and generating revenue more frequently. Consumers benefit from lower energy bills, increased efficiency, and potential earnings. DSO Flex is now an essential service that allows FSP’s to improve the way they use electricity, and AMP will continue to support DSOs in their mission. Since the start of the MA market in the summer of 2024, AMP has become a key player participating in most monthly tender rounds with their gas reciprocators in the Lister Drive and Bromborough Constraint Management Zones.
“We are proud to be working in partnership with SPEN as one of their largest providers of flexibility services. We have found the DSO team to be helpful and engaging through both the contract and service provision phases. We look forward to providing SPEN with further flexibility services in the future.”
Quote from Steven Horton – AMP Clean Energy Operations Manager.
Although our current month ahead tenders on Piclo are a new service and a new type of product in the UK Flex markets, our procurement and performance teams in the DSO Flex department are dedicated to facilitating and growing the market. We offer and end-to-end solution with comprehensive support from the beginning of a FSP’s journey in flex, all the way to receiving payments after a dispatch month. This approach ensures that new providers can easily navigate the process, benefit from expert guidance, and quickly see financial returns. By participating in the Month Ahead Market, new providers can take advantage of streamlined procedures, responsive support, and the opportunity to contribute to a more flexible and resilient energy grid. This has allowed AMP to participate in our markets and most importantly, provide key flexibility solutions to two important assets in our SPM license area. We hope to continue to work with AMP to deliver more flexibility where required and below you can see a snapshot of AMP’s key stats so far from our Month Ahead market.
Flexibility Contracted (MWs):
Flexibility Dispatched (MWs):
Flexibility Contracted (MWhs):
Flexibility Dispatched (MWhs):
For more info about AMP Clean Energy please visit their website.
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