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Project Planning and Feasibility Support

Project planning and feasibility support is closed for applications.

We will provide project support to enable eligible communities to take their Net Zero project plans to the next level. Our experts will help guide the eligible communities through the feasibility assessment process to support them gather data, assess viability, and develop formal project plans. 

We are looking for communities or organisations that meet our criteria to come forward to apply for support. Our experts will conduct a gap analysis, to identify any parts of the project plans that are missing or needing additional work. To do this, they will review the following elements:

  • Project delivery plan
  • Budget
  • Technical specifications for the net zero project*
  • Legal and planning requirements
  • Risk assessment

To move your project forward and one step nearer to getting up and running, after conducting a gap analysis, our fund administrator, the Energy Saving Trust, will provide guidance on how to fill the gaps identified in your plan and any additional technical support *(where applicable).

*Technical specifications will vary significantly by project. Further guidance on what is expected will be provided on an individual basis to community groups during the selection process

Project planning and feasibility support is closed for applications.

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