The developers of Enoch Hill Wind Farm requested an underground cable connection to transport the electricity generated at the wind farm into our transmission network.

The wind farm is situated nearby New Cumnock, East Ayrshire and will connect into New Cumnock Substation which is located on the B741 between Dalmellington and New Cumnock. On leaving the substation, the cable route follows the B741 towards New Cumnock where it will be buried underground in the verge or in sections of the road where necessary. The route then heads south from the B741 to the wind farm itself. This work is being carried out in agreement with East Ayrshire Council and other stakeholders.
The first phase of the work will involve the underground installation of ducting followed by the cables being pulled through the ducts allowing the section lengths to be joined. The project is scheduled to be completed in quarter 3 of 2025.
SP Energy Networks are proud play a key role in connecting in renewable energy generation as the nation moves to clean energy and net zero.
Contact Information
Should you require any further information on this project please make contact via the following phone number or email address:
Community Relations phone number – 07516461129
Community Relations email –