SP Energy Networks is proposing to extend Eccles Substation located approximately 5 km north west of Coldstream adjacent to the A697. The existing Substation was originally constructed in the mid-1990s and forms a key part of our electricity transmission network. The proposed development is needed to reinforce the transmission network and connect proposed developments to the electricity transmission network.
An Application for planning permission is being prepared for submission to Scottish Borders Council. As the overall application boundary is greater than 2ha, the application is considered Major Development under Town and Country Planning (Hierarchy of Developments) (Scotland) Regulations 2009.
As a Major Development, SPEN are required to undertake pre-application consultation on the proposals.
SPEN is committed to undertaking meaningful and wide-reaching consultation and is therefore is hosting a second stage, in-person drop in event on Thursday 24th November between 1.30pm and 7.30pm at Coldstream Community Centre, High Street, Coldstream.
The event will provide background to and details of the proposed substation extension including the emerging final design as well as how feedback from the online consultation has been addressed.
View the information boards from the consultation event (opens in a new window).
The first stage consultation ran for four weeks between 25th of August and 19th of September however, the information will remain accessible online at the link below:
Please note that comments made in response to our consultation are not representations to the Scottish Borders Council. When the application is submitted there will be an opportunity to make representations to Scottish Borders Council as part of the planning process.
View our GDPR statement (opens in a new window)
A feedback form is available here (opens in a new window) to leave comments on the proposals.
Should you have any enquiries regarding any of the proposals and would like information on the project, please contact us at ecclesextension@spenergynetworks.co.uk
or on 07516 461129
or in writing at:
Eccles Substation Extension Project
Land & Planning, SP Energy Networks,
55 Fullarton Drive
G32 8FA