SP Energy Networks had been asked to provide a connection to the electricity transmission network by developers of the proposed Earlshaugh Windfarm. A route selection process and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for a 132kV overhead transmission line between the proposed Earlshaugh windfarm and Moffat substation was initiated with initial consultation taking place between June and August 2015.
The developer has since contacted SP Energy Networks to terminate the requested for connection. As such, the EIA process and application for consent to construct the overhead transmission line will not proceed any further.
Thank you to all who offered an input to the initial consultation process for this project. If you have any further queries, please feel free to contact us at EarlshaughGC@SPEnergyNetworks.com or by writing to:
Earlshaugh GC Project Manager,
Scottish Power EnergyNetworks,
Ochil House,
10 Technology Avenue,
Hamilton International Technology Park,
G72 0HT
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