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Policies, Procedures and Specifications: Documentation

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For specifications and standards related to the design of Projects / Tenders, please liaise in the first instance with the responsible SPEN Project Manager, Contract Manager or point of contact in Purchasing who will be able to provide the required documents.

We continually update this page by adding, replacing or removing documents. Please check back regularly to ensure you are using the most current version.

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Approved Equipment

Approved Equipment RegisterThis document lists the equipment that is Approved for connection to our network. The categories of equipment listed include:

 - Switchgear
 - Overhead Lines
 - Cables
 - Jointing & Terminating Accessories and consumeables
 - Ducts, Warning Tapes and Tiles
 - Portable Earthing
 - Substation Batteries
 - Battery Chargers
 - Battery Alarm and Monitoring Systems
 - Surge Arresters
Approved Equipment Register - Site Specific Instruments and Legacy Miscellaneous ToolsThis document lists Site Specific Instruments and Legacy Miscellaneous Tools for use by SPEN staff on the SP Distribution plc, SP Transmission plc and SP Manweb plc networks.TSE-06-001312020-07-17
Approved Equipment Register - General ToolingThis document lists the General Tools that are category A' Approved for use by SPEN staff on the SP Distribution plc and SP Manweb plc NetworksTSE-06-10132020-07-20
Approved Equipment Register - Test InstrumentsThis document lists the Test Instruments that are Category A' Approved for use by SPEN staff on the SP Distribution plc, SP Manweb plc and SP Transmission plc networks.  It also lists tools that are Approved for Continued Use.


Approved Equipment Register - Transformers

This document lists the categories shown below, which are Approved for supply to, use in or connection onto the SP Distribution plc, SP Manweb plc and / or SP Transmission plc networks, as applicable.

  • Approved Transformer Factories
  • Approved Transformer Designs
  • Approved HV Bushings.
  • Approved Tap Changers
  • Approved Insulating Fluids
  • Approved Transformer Refurbishment Service Providers


Low Voltage Earthing Policy and Application GuideThis document provides guidance on the approach to be adopted when planning, designing and delivering all LV network solutions including new networks, fault repairs, modernisation, reinforcement and mixed earthing arrangements.EART-01-00262024-08-21
Technical Specification for Earthing 132kV S/S and above

This document defines the functional performance and test requirements for earthing systems at substations 132kV and above.
The requirements of this document shall apply to new substations /cable sealing end compounds and where reasonably practical to extensions or modifications of existing substations/cable sealing end compounds.
Where a substation or cable sealing compound is being extended or modified, The Engineer will state if it is necessary to control the earth potential rise in accordance with this document.
This document is a SPEN modified version of NGTS 3.1.2.

Technical Specification for Earthing and Bonding at Secondary SubstationsThis technical specification describes SPEN’s requirements for earthing and bonding systems at secondary substations. This includes all HV/LV substations, HV only substations, HV pole-mounted installations, HV customer substations and IDNO/DNO shared substations up to and including 11 kV.EART-03-00322024-02-29
Technical Specification for Earthing and Bonding at Primary SubstationsThis technical specification describes SPEN’s requirements for earthing and bonding systems at primary substations. This technical specification is applicable to the following installations:
i) 33 kV/11 kV and 33 kV/11/6.6 kV primary substations.
ii) 33 kV switching stations at sites other than those at Grid Supply Points and transmission substations.
iii) 11 kV and 6.6 kV HV customer substations at SPEN primary substations
iv) 33 kV HV customer substations at sites other than those at Grid Supply Points and transmission substations.

Overhead Lines

Specification for Construction of HV Overhead Lines up to 33kV on Wood Poles Specification for construction of overhead lines between 1kV and 33kV with AAAC conductors, supported on single and “H” type wood poles.  This specification does not cover 33kV overhead lines above an altitude of 200m in Scotland and 300m in SPM. For these applications, a site specific design shall be undertaken.OHL-03-09942024-11-13

Policy & System Design

New Connections Independent Connection Provider (ICP) Approval PolicyThis document details SP Energy Networks policy for enabling New Connections Providers to undertake Contestable works within the Companies licensed areas.ASSET-01-01542022-08-02
Inspection and Monitoring of Networks Constructed by Independent Connection ProvidersThis document details SP Energy Networks (SPEN) inspection and escalation regime for contestable works constructed by Independent Connection Providers (ICPs) that will be adopted by SPEN.ASSET-04-02082024-08-12
Recording of Electrical Assets by ContractorsThis document defines the process and data return requirements for contractors modifying, adding or disposing of SPEN operational network assets.BUPR-22-01552024-11-14
Ratings and general requirements for Plant and Apparatus for connection to The Company’s systemThe requirements of this document apply to all Plant and Apparatus which is directly connected to The Company’s distribution and transmission systems.  Requirements contained herein may be modified on a more specific basis by lower level specifications issued by The Company.  Unless such modifications are explicitly detailed in these lower level specifications, then the requirements of this document shall apply.
Ratings are explicitly specified for Plant and Apparatus to be employed on The Company’s systems with nominal system voltages of 6.0 kV and above.
Derogation from the requirements of this document will normally be permitted only where it can be demonstrated that the proposed derogation is not detrimental to the safety, reliability and availability of The Company’s system.


Auxiliary D.C. Power Supplies for Primary & Secondary SubstationsThis Specification details the Company's requirements for 30V, 30/48V, 48V and 110V standby auxiliary D.C. supplies. The auxiliary D.C. supplies will be used for operation of switch tripping, protection tripping and other ancillary apparatus within primary or secondary substations.BATT-03-001102021-02-19
Primary & Secondary Substations Protection and Control EquipmentThis Specification details SP Energy Networks’ requirements for the protection and control equipment to be supplied with indoor 12kV Primary and Secondary switchgear. It also includes requirements for telecontrol and alarm functions.PROT-03-019152021-09-06
Technical Specification for 33kV Protection and Control EquipmentThis specification details SP Energy Networks’ requirement for protection and control equipment to meet the requirements defined in SP Energy Networks’ policy for application of protection systems to the 33kV network.PROT-03-020112021-09-06
Substation Flood Resilience PolicyThis document sets out the requirements for ensuring substations are resilient to flooding from various sources, and that the installation of flood protection measures is provided where appropriate. This document applies to substations at all voltages within SP Energy Networks.SUB-01-01832023-12-07
Secondary Substation Installation and Commissioning SpecificationThis document outlines SP Energy Networks installation and commissioning specification for ground mounted secondary substations and includes all transformer substations where the lower voltage is 400/230V.SUB-02-00662015-02-04
Policy for the Interface with Independent Distribution Network Operators InstallationsThis document details SPEN’s technical requirements for the interface with Independent Distribution Network Operators (IDNOs), at voltage levels up to and including 132 kV.SUB-02-01362024-05-28
Electrical Insulation Testing of HV Equipment up to 33kVThis document details PowerSystems requirements for electrical testing of HV Equipment up to and including 33kV.SUB-02-61322013-09-12
Electrical Insulation Testing of HV Equipment up to 33kVFlow Chart for Electrical TestingSUB-02-613App 22013-09-12
General Specification for the Civil Engineering and Building Design and Construction of Secondary SubstationsThis Specification outlines SP Energy Networks (SPEN) technical requirements for the civil design and construction of existing and new ground mounted secondary substations.  The Constructor is entirely responsible for all aspects of the civil design and construction process.SUB-03-01782024-02-23
Appendix 1 of General Specification for the Civil Engineering and Building Design and Construction of Secondary Substations

Drawings - These guidance drawings are typical layout and construction details deemed to satisfy SPEN’s functional civil and building requirements for Secondary Substations. Drawing Numbers: SP2022244, SP2103445, SP2142493, SP3020357, SP4000542, SP4000543, SP4000545, SP4008870, SP4049060, SP4053389, SP4058664, SP4102117, SP4105959, SP4132847, SP4187952.

SUB-03-017App 12024-02-23
Specification for Prefabricated Glass Reinforced
Plastic Enclosures
This document outlines a technical specification for prefabricated Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) enclosures designed to house outdoor rated equipment in secondary substations installed on the Company’s 11kV and 6.6kV networks. Prefabricated substation housings designed to house indoor switchgear, protection & control equipment and ancillary equipment is detailed within INS 50.40.11 which forms part of a separate tender.SUB-03-01842021-04-30
General Specification for the Civil Engineering and Building Design and Construction of Primary and 33kV Switching Substations

This Specification outlines SP Energy Networks (SPEN) technical requirements for the civil design and construction works associated with existing and new Primary Substations.  Where changes are proposed to existing substations these should be undertaken in line with this document.  The Constructor is entirely responsible for all aspects of the civil design and construction process.

This is a generic technical specification written in a manner that it may be used without alteration for all such works therefore certain parts may not be applicable to all substation construction types.  It is not designed to cover every eventuality or site-specific situation; however, prior agreement must be obtained in writing from SPEN Engineering Design and Standards to any proposed variation to the guidelines provided in this Specification.

Development of proposals for site-specific variation that are acceptable to SPEN shall be the Constructor’s responsibility and shall be submitted to SPEN Engineering Design and Standards for acceptance.

Appendix 1 of General Specification for the Civil Engineering and Building Design and Construction of Primary Substations and 33kV Switching Substations

Drawings - These guidance drawings are typical layout and construction details deemed to satisfy SPEN’s functional civil and building requirements for Primary and 33kV Switching Substations. Drawing Numbers: SP4096759, 4096760, SP4096769, SP4098105, SP4096774, SP4096777, SP4096857, SP4096782, SP4096878.

SUB-03-025App 12022-06-30
General Specification for the Civil Engineering and Building Design and Construction of 132kV Grid Substations

This Specification outlines SP Energy Networks (SPEN) technical requirements for the civil design and construction of 132kV Grid Substations (up to 145kV).

This is a generic technical specification written in a manner that it may be used without alteration for all such works therefore certain parts may not be applicable to all substation construction types.  It is not designed to cover every eventuality or site-specific situation; however, prior agreement must be obtained by the relevant party in writing from SPEN Engineering Design and Standards for any proposed variations to the guidelines provided in this Specification.

As far as is reasonably practicable, this Specification shall also apply to works at existing SPEN substation sites, however; this will be determined on a site-specific basis by agreement with SPEN Engineering Design and Standards considering technical feasibility, cost and site-specific risk

Substation LVAC Installation Wiring Specification for new and refurbished substation sites

This specification details the Company’s requirements for the LVAC electrical wiring installation within Grid, Primary and Secondary substation buildings that are not part of the System as defined in OPSAF-11-023.
The design and installation of the electrical building supply wiring at both new and refurbished substation sites shall comply with the requirements of this specification.

The electrical wiring installation at an existing substation site shall not be considered unserviceable based on its non-compliance with this specification alone. The serviceability of the LVAC electrical installation at an existing substation site shall be judged on its condition and suitability for current purpose.

General Specification for the Civil Engineering and Building Design and Construction of 275 and 400kV Substations

This Specification outlines SP Energy Networks (SPEN) technical requirements for the civil design and construction of 275kV and 400kV Substations. 

This is a generic technical specification written in a manner that it may be used without alteration for all such works therefore certain parts may not be applicable to all substation construction types. It is not designed to cover every eventuality or site-specific situation; however, prior agreement must be obtained in writing from SPEN Engineering Design and Standards for any proposed variations to the guidelines provided in this Specification. 

As far as is reasonably practicable, this Specification shall also apply to works at existing SPEN substation sites, however; this will be determined on a site-specific basis by agreement with SPEN, Engineering Design and Standards considering technical feasibility, cost and site-specific risk.
General Specification for the Construction of Pre-Fabricated Modular Control Buildings

This Specification outlines SP Energy Networks (SPEN) technical requirements for the construction of SPT pre-fabricated modular buildings.

This is a generic technical specification and it is not designed to cover every eventuality or site-specific situation; however, prior agreement must be obtained by the relevant party in writing from SPEN Engineering Design and Standards for any proposed variations to the guidelines provided in this Specification.

Approved Equipment Register - Transformers

This document lists the categories shown below, which are Approved for supply to, use in or connection onto the SP Distribution plc, SP Manweb plc and / or SP Transmission plc networks, as applicable.

  • Approved Transformer Factories
  • Approved Transformer Designs
  • Approved HV Bushings.
  • Approved Tap Changers
  • Approved Insulating Fluids
  • Approved Transformer Refurbishment Service Providers

Underground Cables

Specification for the Installation of Low Voltage Internal Mains and ServicesThis specification details the requirements for New Build and Remedial LV internal mains and services work, including the quality of materials, the installation methodology and general procedures to be followed.CAB-03-03252022-10-13
Technical specification for General Wiring CablesThis specification details requirements for General Wiring cables up to and including 450/750V for use on lighting and general power wiring installations complying with BS 7671. Whilst most cables detailed in this specification are employed in situations that will not form part of our networks, several are used on SP Distribution plc, SP Transmission plc and SP Manweb plc networks.CAB-03-03662023-06-12
Requirements for Third Party LV Cable Jointing SystemsThis document defines the requirements for third party low voltage cable jointing systems (where such systems form part of contestable works within the competitive connections market) for adoption by SP Energy Networks.CAB-04-00842022-11-29
Policy & Application guide for 11kv Polymeric CablesThis document provides information and guidance on the application of polymeric cables on the SPEN 11kV network.  Throughout this document, references to 11kV shall by inference also relate to 6kV and 6.6kV networks and equipment.CAB-04-00942018-01-24
Handling and Installation of Cables up to and including 33kVThis document details SP Distribution plc’s (SPD) and SP Manweb plc’s (SPM) technical requirements for the handling and installation of power cables up to and including 33kV onto the SPEN network. CAB-15-003112023-01-06
Electrical Insulation Testing of HV Equipment up to 33kVFlow Chart for Electrical TestingSUB-02-613App 22013-09-12

Connection Process

Process for LV and HV Connection Activities under SPEN and ICP's DSR'sThis document details SP Energy Networks’ approach to facilitating connection activities for Independent Connection Providers’ (ICP’s) to carry out LV and HV network connections. Whether under SPEN DSR’s or the ICP’s own DSR’sCON-04-00242022-07-01
RAdAR Process for Phased Design ApprovalsThis document details SP Energy Networks Connection Registration and Management process for complex EHV Design Approvals as an addendum to CON-04-005 “Register of Adopted Asset Requests (RAdAR) Process for Contestable Connection Projects.CON-04-00342024-09-02
Register of Adopted Asset Requests (RAdAR) for contestable unmetered connection projectsThis document details SP Energy Networks’ Registration of Connection Enquiries and Management Process for Contestable Unmetered Connection Projects using the RAdAR System.CON-04-00462024-09-02
Register of Adopted Asset Requests (RAdAR) Process for Contestable Connection ProjectsThis document details SP Energy Networks’ Registration of Connection Enquiries and Management Process for Contestable Connection Projects using the RAdAR System.CON-04-00562024-09-02
Project Completion Process For Contestable WorksThis document details SP Energy Networks Project Completion and Handover Process for Contestable Works by Independent Connections Providers (ICPs) on behalf of SP Distribution Plc & SP Manweb plc.CON-04-00642024-08-12
Register of Adopted Asset Requests (RAdAR) Process for Self-Determined and Dual Offer Connection ProjectsThis document details SP Energy Networks’ Registration of Connection Enquiries and Management Process for Contestable Connection Projects using the RAdAR System for Self-Determined or Dual Offer.CON-04-00952024-09-02
Process for Contestable 132kV Connection ProjectsThis document details SP Energy Networks’ Registration of Connection Enquiries and Management Process for 132,000 Volt Contestable Connection Projects. The document details Non-Contestable elements only where knowledge is required to undertake the Contestable elements.CON-04-01012019-08-29
Declaration of Test Results:  New LV Cable Installations 1ph + MainsDeclaration FormCON-09-00132022-06-17
Completion Certificate For New Cable InstallationsCompletion CertificateCON-09-00222015-01-07
Entering / Exiting the Live Working RegimeFormCON-09-00322015-01-07
Declaration of Test Results:  New LV Cable Installations 3ph + MainsDeclaration FormCON-09-00422022-06-17
Site Responsibility Agreement TemplateSRS TemplateCON-09-00522016-06-21
Sample of a Completed Site Responsibility Agreement (CON-09-005)Sample TemplateCON-09-00612016-06-21
Installation and Record Framework for Low Voltage Housing Developments, Underground Networks and Associated New HV/LV Distribution SubstationsThis document details the Company’s minimum requirements for installing and recording Low Voltage underground cable electricity networks including their new associated HV/LV distribution substations. The document specifically relates to housing developments constructed under Ofgem’s Competition in Connections regime. The document forms the Appendix to, and shall be read in conjunction with, the Energy Networks Association Engineering Recommendations EREC G81 – Parts 1, 2 and 3 (Framework for new low voltage housing development installations; design and planning, materials specification and installation and records). This document only applies to new developments comprising of single-occupied premises and their associated street lighting installations and shall not be applied retrospectively.EPS-02-00542024-07-23
Installation and Record Framework for Industrial and Commercial Underground Connected Loads Up To and Including 11kVThis document details the Company's installation requirements for underground connected loads up to and including 11kV. The document specifically relates to new industrial and commercial projects constructed under Ofgem's competition in connections regime and is not to be applied retrospectively.
The document forms the appendix to, and shall be read in conjunction with, the Energy Networks Association Engineering Recommendations EREC G81 – Parts 4, 5 and 6
Materials Specification Framework for Low Voltage Housing Development Installations and Associated New HV/LV Distribution SubstationsThis document details the Company’s materials specification requirements for Low Voltage underground cable electricity networks including their new associated HV/LV distribution substations. The document specifically relates to low voltage housing developments constructed under Ofgem’s Competition in Connections regime. The document forms the Appendix to, and must be read in conjunction with, the Energy Networks Association Engineering Recommendations EREC G81 – Parts 1, 2 and 3 (Framework for new low voltage housing development installations; design and planning, materials specification and installation and records). This document only applies to new developments comprising of single-occupied premises and their associated street lighting installations and is not to be applied retrospectively.EPS-03-02722024-07-23
Materials Specification Framework for Industrial and Commercial Underground Connected Loads Up To and Including 11kVThis document details the Company's materials requirements for underground connected loads up to and including 11kV. The document specifically relates to industrial and commercial projects constructed under Ofgem's competition in connections regime.
The document forms the appendix to, and must be read in conjunction with the Energy Networks Association Engineering Recommendations EREC G81 – Parts 4, 5 and 6
Inspection and Testing of New Low Voltage Supplies

This document details the Company’s requirements for inspection and testing of new Low Voltage supplies at the time of first energisation.

Whist inspection and testing of all new supplies is undertaken to the same standard this document specifically relates to LV supplies constructed under Ofgem’s Competition in Connections regime.

The document forms the Appendix to, and must be read in conjunction with, G81 part 3 - Framework for design and planning, materials specification, installation and record for low voltage housing development installations and associated new HV/LV distribution and/or G81 part 6 - Framework for Installation and Records of Commercial and Industrial Underground Connected Loads up to and including 11kV.

This document only applies to new developments and is not to be applied retrospectively.

Distributed Generation Connection Requirements

This document specifies the Company requirements in respect of the technical and other requirements for the connection of new distributed generation to the SP Distribution and SP Manweb distribution networks.

It has been written to consolidate and harmonise existing practices and to incorporate recently withdrawn and issued ENA documents. Specifically, G98 and G99 have been issued, and G59 and G83 have been withdrawn.

This document is intended for the guidance of staff and agents of ScottishPower for the purposes of network design.

For further clarification on any issues contained within this document, contact the Network Design Group.

Technical Requirements for Customer Export and Import Limiting SchemesThis document provides guidance for the technical requirements for Customer Export and Import Limiting Schemes installed by customers within the SP Distribution and SP Manweb Distribution networks.ESDD-01-00842024-08-21
Calculation of System Fault LevelsThis document sets out the principles and methodologies relating to the calculation of prospective short circuit currents on the Licensee’s Distribution and Transmission Systems. For further clarification on any issues contained within this document, contact the Network Design Group.ESDD-02-00642024-08-08
Equipment RatingsThis document sets out the principles and methodologies relating to the ratings applicable to standard system componentsESDD-02-00772021-03-03

Overhead Line Protection And Switchgear Standard

This document details the application of overhead line switchgear and protection systems and is referred to as the Overhead Protection and Switchgear Standard (OHPSS). This document was previously known as the Overhead Protection Policy (OHPP).ESDD-02-01192024-08-12
Framework for Design & Planning of LV Housing Developments, including U/G Networks and Associated HV/LV S/SThis document details the SP Distribution plc and SP Manweb plc requirements for the design of low voltage underground cable electricity networks including their new associated HV / LV distribution substations. The document specifically relates to housing estates constructed under Ofgem Competition in Connections regime. This document does not detail arrangements for multi-occupied premises or industrial / commercial supplies.
The document forms the Appendix to, and shall be read in conjunction with, the Energy Networks Association Engineering Recommendations EREC G81 – Parts 1, 2 and 3 (Framework for new low voltage housing development installations; design and planning, materials specification and installation and records).
This document only applies to new developments comprising of single-occupied premises and their associated street lighting installations and is not to be applied retrospectively.
Guidance for Self-Determination of Point of Connection and Self-Design Approval for Independent Connection ProvidersThis document details the SP Energy Networks approach to facilitate Independent Connection Providers (ICPs) determining Point of Connections (POCs) and self-approving the design of new networks for adoption by SP Distribution plc and SP Manweb plc for new and additional load to the network. It relates to Low Voltage and High Voltage networks.ESDD-02-02142024-08-21
CT/VT Request and Test ResultsThis document consists of three forms: The designer must complete as much detail as possible within Form A prior to delivery handover.QUAL-12-75052020-06-08
Policy for the Interface with Independent Distribution Network Operators InstallationsThis document details SPEN’s technical requirements for the interface with Independent Distribution Network Operators (IDNOs), at voltage levels up to and including 132 kV.SUB-02-01362024-05-28


Policy for Disconnection and Removal of Company Equipment

This document details SP Energy Networks policy for the de-energisation and removal of Company Equipment which is no longer required, including:

  • Overhead lines, underground cables and substation Equipment from which customers have been disconnected.
  • Metering, services and termination Equipment in premises being closed or awaiting demolition.
  • Termination Equipment which is potentially dangerous because the premises are no longer secure or weatherproof.

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