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Distributed ReStart

The project is exploring how distributed energy resources (DER) can be used to restore power in the highly unlikely event of a total or partial shutdown of the National Electricity Transmission System.


January 2019 – March 2022

Project Status


About the Project

About the Project

The Distributed ReStart project is a partnership between National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO) (opens in a new window), SP Energy Networks (SPEN) and TNEI (a specialist energy consultancy) that has been awarded £10.3 million of Network Innovation Competition (NIC) funding.

The project is exploring how distributed energy resources (DER) can be used to restore power in the highly unlikely event of a total or partial shutdown of the National Electricity Transmission System. Past and current approaches rely on large power stations but as the UK moves to cleaner, greener and more decentralised energy, new options must be developed.

The enormous growth in DER presents an opportunity to develop a radically different approach to system restoration. However, there are significant technical, organisational and commercial challenges to address.






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