The electricity transmission network in central Scotland was first built in the 1920s. Since then it has grown and evolved to meet the region’s industrial needs and serve its expanding population.

Above: Existing 132kV route between Bonnybridge and Cumbernauld
Today, the existing electricity network in Falkirk and Lanarkshire includes overhead lines operating at 275kV (275,000 volts) and 132kV (132,000 volts), transporting energy through the region and serving local communities through Grid Supply Points (GSPs) at Bonnybridge, Cumbernauld, Easterhouse, Newarthill, Coatbridge and Wishaw.
SP Energy Networks (SPEN) is responsible for the transmission and distribution of electricity in central and southern Scotland. We have an obligation to maintain, operate and invest in our network to secure a safe, reliable, and economic service for current and future customers.
Our planning work with the National Energy System Operator (NESO) has identified that, for the UK to meet its Net Zero carbon emissions targets, we need to reinforce the network between Denny and Wishaw to add capacity to transmit the additional green energy.
This reinforcement includes uprating some existing overhead lines from 275kV to 400kV and building the proposed new overhead transmission line between Bonnybridge and a point near Glenmavis, allowing the additional green electricity to flow in to the wider transmission network.
Read our detailed Need case document below: