Our project team recently successfully completed the connection for Crossdykes Wind Farm which is located to the east of Lockerbie in Dumfries and Galloway. The connection enables renewable energy generated at the windfarm to be transported into the transmission network and plays a further part in supporting the nations move towards a zero carbon society.
The wind farm is connected into Ewehill Substation by a 33 kV double wood pole overhead line covering a distance of approximately 5.4 km.

The construction of the overhead line commenced in April 2020 with the entire route involving work taking place on private land. A helicopter was utilised for the transport of material and equipment into remote areas which significantly reduced the number of vehicle movements normally required. Minimising the impact of our activity on the surrounding environment was a priority and ground matts along with low pressure ground vehicles were used at site locations.
SPEN are proud to have successfully completed this important project as we all move to using clean energy and a more sustainable environment.
Contact Information
Should you require any further information on this project please make contact via the following phone number or email address:
Community Relations phone number – 07516461129
Community Relations email – majorprojects@spenergynetworks.com