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The Proposal

Project overview

We have completed the first round of public consultation on our preferred route. Based on the feedback and information received during this consultation period, through our various feedback channels, we have made modifications to some sections.

As a result of these modifications, the overall length of the preferred route option has increased to around 92km. This route is entirely within the Scottish Borders, running north to south from the proposed Gala North Substation south of Lauder to the Scotland-England border southeast of Newcastleton. The line would connect to the proposed Teviot substation, which would potentially be located close to Whitrope. The overhead line would use a 400kV double circuit line supported by towers.

There are three main elements in the proposals:

  • Construction of a new double circuit 400kV overhead line, running north-south from Gala North substation to Teviot substation;
  • Construction of the Teviot substation; and
  • Construction of a new 400kV overhead line running from Teviot substation to a point at the border.

Route Options and Substation Sites Map


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