Under the terms of condition 8 of the Section 37 planning consent granted for the Beauly-Denny overhead line project, SP Energy Networks is required to submit to the Scottish Ministers a document setting out how the development is to be constructed and managed within their respective licence area.
This document is known as the Construction Procedures Handbook (CPH).
The objective of the CPH is to ensure that disturbance to the environment and impacts on tourism, historic sites and cultural heritage caused by the development are minimised. It also ensures that the agreed appropriate restoration and aftercare are achieved on completion of the Development.
The CPH must include the full range of committed mitigation measures set out in the Environmental Statement and in the consent itself. The CPH must also include provision for the appointment by the applicant of appropriately experienced and qualified specialists in ecology, earth science, forestry, tourism, cultural heritage, landscape and archaeology, whose role is that of giving advice on the subsequent development and review of the CPH, monitoring compliance with it and providing audits to the members of the Environmental Liaison Group and the Tourism, Cultural heritage and Community Liaison Group.
The Construction Procedures Handbook (opens in a new window) is available to download (300KB).
As part of the iterative process of preparing and reviewing the CPH document, the developers did seek the views of affected landowners, local authorities, statutory consultees and other parties who have provided comments on the development.
The purpose of this consultation was not to re-examine the proposed development itself but to constructively support the role of committed mitigation and restoration and to minimise impacts upon the environment, tourism, cultural heritage and historic sites.