G98, G99, and G100 are engineering standards that set out the requirements for connecting generators to the electricity grid. G98 applies to small generators (under 3.68Kw per phase), and G99 applies to larger generators which produce more than 3.68kW per phase. More information about the connections process, G98, and G99 standards can be found on the SPEN Connections page here.
G100 sets out the additional technical requirements for alternative connections, where control equipment is required to automatically reduce the output of a generator at certain times. There is not yet any pre-accreditation process for G100 installers or equipment. Instead, the chosen installer needs to ensure that their installation confirms to G100 requirements and the terms of the particular alternative connection offered, and the DNO sends an engineer to test and verify this before the connection is made live.
Control equipment can be used on an alternative connection, provided the connection as a whole meets G100 standards. The list on the right details some examples of the control equipment previously used by generators in our network areas to manage distribution-level alternative connections. This list is not exhaustive and is for reference only. It is not provided by way of recommendation and other market solutions are available.