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Changes to the overhead line and cable route

Rednal Mill (see Sheet 6 in the Revised Draft Works Plan April 2018 - poles 49 to 54): Changes have been made in response to feedback to move pole 50 to the southern side of the River Perry, to move poles 51 and 52 to reduce visual impacts in the area and to move pole 54 to increase the clearance below the nearby existing National Grid high voltage line. We are now also proposing to place a section of existing 11,000 Volt overhead line underground.

Lower Hordley (see Sheet 7 in the Revised Draft Works Plan April 2018 - poles 69 to 81): Changes have been made in response to feedback to place as many poles as possible in this section closer to field boundaries and to minimise placing poles in fields in order to further reduce impacts on farming activities in this area.

Wackley Lodge (see Sheet 10 in the Revised Draft Works Plan April 2018  - poles 112 to 115): Changes have been made in response to feedback to relocate the proposed overhead line from a higher agricultural grade field to a lower grade field, reducing impacts on farming activities.

Bentley Farm/The Shayes (see Sheet 12 in the Revised Draft Works Plan April 2018 - poles 138 to 150): Changes have been made in response to feedback to move this section of the line route which would slightly reduce impacts on the residential visual amenity for the occupiers of Bentley Farm and The Shayes whilst respecting existing landscape features such as ponds, trees and hedgerows.

River Roden (see Sheet 13 in the Revised Draft Works Plan April 2018 - poles 160 to 166): Changes have been made in response to feedback to move poles 161, 162 and 163 to avoid felling a large mature oak tree and to position pole 164 away from the edge of the river bank.

A change in response to feedback to move the 132,000 Volt underground cable to avoid an existing High Pressure Gas pipeline and to avoid disrupting an existing field access off the A5 (T) is also proposed. For technical reasons at either end of the new 132,000 Volt circuit, a change has been made to include the works required at the two substations within the proposed development.

Changes to the accesses

Changes to the accesses are proposed in response to landowner requests and from a combination of those landowner requests and further SP Manweb constructability assessments. We will also be seeking to secure permanent rights over the access routes by way of the development consent order. 

Changes to the temporary laydown areas

Changes to the laydown areas are also proposed as a result of landowner requests and SP Manweb constructability assessments and include the removal of three of the laydown areas and the relocation of five laydown areas, two of which are reduced in size.

The above changes are shown on the Revised Draft Works Plans April 2018 with the areas omitted from the proposed development shaded grey and identified as a red dashed line. The proposed works are included within the thick red line which denotes the proposed 25m wide construction and operations corridor (shown green for the 132,000 Volt cable route, brown, yellow and brown/yellow hatching for the lower voltage diversion works, orange for the access routes and blue for the laydown areas).


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