As part of our RIIO-2 planning process we've created the #ChallengeOurPlan campaign to bring together all of the aspects of our planning and engagement where we're looking for your input.
We’ve published our Draft RIIO-ED2 Business Plan that sets out our ambitions for the RIIO-ED2 period. This publication follows our extensive engagement programme – where we’ve already engaged with over 19,000 customers and stakeholders to inform and develop our thinking. More than at any time in our history!
As we move through the process of further developing our RIIO-ED2 Business Plan – we’ve used all of our engagement and what our customers have told us to develop our draft busines plan.
Until we submit our final business plan in December of this year – we've been working with our stakeholders to further refine and strengthen our plans.
The latest round of consultations have now closed and we're in the process of finalising our plans for the publication of the final plan on 1 December 2021.
Download the publication here
How to get involved...
If you would like to be kept up-to-date with the latest information and our planned activities regarding RIIO-2 , you can register as a stakeholder and join our stakeholder online community. We also welcome your thoughts and feedback via our RIIO-ED2 mailbox and through the various consultations we'll be holding. If you have any questions - please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.
You'll also find a live list of our consultation events here - where you can register to come along.