The text below is the transcript from the Rewilding at Hawkshaw Woodland video. An audio-described version of the video is also available.
GJ: We're delighted to work with forest carbon and here at Hawkshaw Forest to build or re-wild locally rather than offset our carbon internationally. It's really important for us to make sure that any impacts that we have in our local communities we try negate that where can locally also.
SV: At SP Energy networks we are absolutely committed to reducing carbon emissions. We've set validated science-based targets across all scopes which are direct emissions and indirect emissions associated with our value chain. As we construct the infrastructure that will be critical for the net zero transition, allowing the decarbonization of electricity, heat and transport, we know that we need to build more.
So as we do this, it's vitally important that we support projects like Hawkshaw, which will enable saplings to grow, sequester carbon and become habitats for local native wildlife.
GHS: Support from SP Energy Networks is vital to helping drive forward the creation of new woodlands and helping restore peatlands across the UK. Grant support from government to deliver both those two types of projects is important, but in many cases, additional funding support from the private sector is needed to drive landowners, land managers forwards to committing to these projects.
NM: Basically, the trees will grow, and it will develop into a naturally regenerating woodland and after the first few years, once trees are established and grown up above the height of the grass, the trees will need practically no maintenance. So once the woodlands established, then I'm hoping that they'll just remain as selfregenerating woodland that will look after itself, basically.