The text below is the transcript from the How to check your fuse box video.
Video Title: How to check your fuse box
Thankfully, power cuts are very rare, but no matter how much we protect, maintain and improve our network, they do occasionally happen.
Before reporting a loss of power, it’s a good idea to carry out a few simple checks.
First, check to see if your neighbours have power.
If they do the problem may be within your property alone.
Try checking your fuse box, also known as the trip switches, which you'll usually find next to your electricity meter.
These don't all look the same but there's generally a main switch with individual switches that control the power supply to your lighting, sockets and appliances.
Turn off the main switch first, followed by the others one by one, then turn the main switch back on followed by the others in turn. If one of the switches goes off again, it usually means there's a problem with that circuit. It may be, for example, a faulty appliance which you will have to unplug from the electricity supply before resetting the fuse.
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