Application Forms and GuidesGuides & FormsENA Distributed Generation Connection Guide : G98 and G99 (opens in a new window)Guide for G99 Fast Track (PV<3.68kW per phase and energy storage <3.68kW perphase) (opens in a new window)Guide for G100 Export Limitation Schemes (opens in a new window)Installation Document for connection under G98 (Form B) (opens in a new window)Application for Connection of Multiple Micro-Generator Installations under G98 (Form A) (opens in a new window)Application Form for G99 <50kW (opens in a new window)Application Form for G99 >50kW (opens in a new window)Application Form for G99 Fast Track (PV < 3.68kW per phase and energy storage <3.68kW per phase) (opens in a new window)G99 - zip file of separate forms from SAF, in case the Generator needs to complete multiple sheets for their application (opens in a new window)AppendicesG98 Type Test Verification Report (Form C) (opens in a new window)G98 Micro-Generator Decommissioning Confirmation (Form D) (opens in a new window)G99 Compliance Verification Report for Synchronous Power Generating Modules up to and including 50 kW (Form A2-1) (opens in a new window)G99 Compliance Verification Report for Synchronous Power Generating Modules > 50 kW (Form A2-2) (opens in a new window)G99 Compliance Verification Report for Inverter Connected Power Generating Modules (Form A2-3) (opens in a new window)G99 Site Compliance and Commissioning test requirements for Type A Power Generating Modules (Form A2-4) (opens in a new window)G99 Installation Document for Type A Power Generating Modules (Form A3-1) (opens in a new window)G99 Installation Document for Integrated Micro Generation and Storage (Form A3-2) (opens in a new window)G99 Power Generating Module Document for Type B Power Generating Modules (Form B2-1) (opens in a new window)G99 Site Compliance and Commissioning test requirements for Type B Power Generating Modules (Form B2-2) (opens in a new window)G99 Installation and Commissioning Confirmation Form for Type B PGMs (Form B3) (opens in a new window)G99 Power Generating Module Document for Type C and Type D Power Generating Modules (Form C2-1) (opens in a new window)G99 Site Compliance and Commissioning test requirements for Type C and Type D Power Generating Modules (Form C2-2) (opens in a new window)G99 Installation and Commissioning Confirmation Form for Type C and Type D PGMs (Form C3) (opens in a new window)G99 Decommissioning Confirmation (Form D1) (opens in a new window)Other LinksPolicy & Guidance on Extension to Validity Periods of Connection or POC Offers (opens in a new window)Statement of Works Process (opens in a new window)Whilst all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of the information and data presented within these pages, SP Distribution plc and SP Manweb plc are not responsible for any loss that may be attributed to the use of the data.