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Angle-DC is a smart and flexible method for reinforcing distribution networks. The project is creating a controllable bidirectional Direct Current (DC) link between two sections of our network, Isle of Anglesey and North Wales. Angle-DC is converting existing 33kV Alternating Current (AC) assets to DC. 


January 2016 – April 2020

Project Status


About the Project

About the Project

This innovative project will adapt existing electronic technologies to build Medium Voltage DC (MVDC) link. This will smooth the way for the integration of increasing volumes of renewable generation and accommodate the growth of electricity demand. Angle-DC is building confidence in deploying MVDC technologies by other UK Distribution Network Operators and triggering the MVDC supply chain.

Project Objectives

Project Objectives

  • Trial the first flexible MVDC link in the Great Britain (GB) distribution system.
  • Trial conversion of an AC circuit to DC operation to enhance circuit capacity.
  • Trial real-time holistic circuit condition monitoring of a DC circuit converted from AC to provide the evidence and confidence for DNOs.
  • Provide real-life data on MVDC converter operation under various loading conditions.
  • Provide real-life data on cable ageing mechanism.
  • Develop technical guidance, recommendations and policy documents for planning, procurement, operation and control strategy of MVDC converters and MVDC links.
  • Create a supply chain and stimulate a competitive MVDC market.
  • To bridge the gap between transmission network and low voltage distribution DC technologies.
  • Explore the feasibility of Angle-DC.


The Benefits For Customers

  • Increasing the capacity for load and generation connections. Reduced sleeving of Horizon Nuclear Power transfer via the parallel 33kV network.
  • Enhanced power flow through an existing circuit to defer reinforcement which may be necessary for some connection requests.
  • More precise control of the flow of power in the distribution circuit for improved efficiency to avoid naturally occurring AC overloads. This prevents the possibility of overload of the circuit, helping to reduce the number of faults.
  • Control of voltage at either end of the distribution circuit to enhance the flow of electricity to customers.
  • Control of reactive power flow at both ends of the distribution circuit.
  • To lower losses and save wasted energy in the wider distribution network due to the improved voltage control.
  • Rapid support to the system voltage during faults to enhance the electricity quality of supply to our customers.
  • Fault level decoupling between distribution systems.
  • Enables faster access to the network for renewable connections. This helps customers who wish to connect low carbon technologies such as wind.


Project Partners

Project Partners

GE Power Conversion

Academic Partners

Cardiff University

Project Supporters

Welsh Government, Isle of Anglesey County Council, Western Power Distribution (WPD), Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution (SHEPD), WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff, Anglesey Enterprise Zone, Menter Mon (Tidal), Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE), Catapult, Energy Island, The National HVDC Centre, Flexible Elektrische Netze (FEN) GmbH, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI),  Energy Networks Association (ENA), Power Electronic Society

Reports & Documents


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